13. Exactly

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Sarah stopped at the first gas station she found. Completely out of breath, she held on tight onto the steering wheel.

How could I let that happen? How?!

Hamdan had left her shaken, he was seeing right through her and was so confident in his words. How come he was not scared like she was? It was like he did not care about the consequences, as if the only thing that mattered to him was how he felt, and he was desperately trying to figure out how she felt. Even though he evidently had a very clear idea already.

She leaned back and closed her eyes, his fresh citrusy smell hit her nose. She looked down and realized she was still wearing his hoodie. She yanked it down from the collar with both hands and whined. The situation had become more than what she could manage on her own. With trembling hands she reached for her phone and started messaging Tom, who thankfully was online.

Are you busy?

Nope! Just got home.

She exhaled relieved and glanced at the clock on top of the screen.

Skype in 30 minutes. Bring the ice cream. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!

When Sarah was done telling her best friend everything, she was sitting on the living room rug of her apartment with Rooster and his bowl next to her. Tom's face seemed to be frozen on the laptop screen in front of her after she filled him in with every detail of what had happened since she met Hamdan. Before starting, she asked for no interruptions due to the urging she had to blurt out everything to her best friend.


His green eyes could not be wider. "You. Are. In. Deep. Shit."

"Really? I had no idea!" She rolled her eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I did not need ice cream for this! I needed vodka!"

Rooster buried his nose in the pint of ice cream between Sarah's legs. "Rooster! Seriously! This is the last one!" She scolded, putting two spoonfuls of ice cream in his bowl.

"Sarah..." Tom's tone shifted to a serious one. "Why didn't you say something?"

Her shoulders hanged. "Because I thought I could handle it, that it was nothing."

Tom gave her a sympathetic look. "Alright. First of all, don't you ever do that again, keeping things from me, we're not like that, okay?"

"Okay," she pouted.

"Second of all, and this is important, how did you feel when he said all those things to you?"

She put her spoon down and covered her eyes with both hands. "You have no idea," she looked at Tom again. "My brain turned into mush, I could not think, I could not utter a word—"

Tom lifted one eyebrow. "You could not utter a word?"

"I know! And his eyes, oh my God... when he looks at me I just can't function," she sighed deeply. "He could dismantle an atomic bomb with one look."

"You're so gone..." He pointed out, shaking his head.

Sarah straightened herself up. "But he was very overpowering and I didn't like it."

"You didn't like it because you are a control freak and apparently you've met your match!" Said Tom with an accusatory index finger pointing at Sarah. "And also... what did you expect with that bipolar behavior of yours?"

"Why are you being team Hamdan?"

Tom continued as if he had not listened to her question. "Sarah, I seriously can't believe it, I've never seen you like this over a guy but why aren't you happy?"

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