42. However

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The chirping birds woke Hamdan up. He arched his aching back, thinking that patio furniture was definitely not made to spend the night, and patting around he realized he was alone.

Where is she?

He was covered with the blanket he had gotten for them the night before, the last thing he remembered was holding Sarah in his arms. He got up rubbing his eyes while wearing his boxers only and picked up the undershirt from the floor to put it on. His eyes were roaming around looking for his phone and found it on the small table next to the daybed. When he went to get it, a small piece of paper was folded beneath it, with both things in his hands, he opened the note to read it.

However far away, I will always love you.
However long I stay, I will always love you.
Whatever words I say... I will always love you.


The words became an icy whirlwind that strangled his heart to the point it almost stopped beating. He clenched his eyes to fix the cloudy vision and ran back inside calling her name but there was no answer. Bursting the bedroom door open, he called her name again. His breathing turning heavy at the sight of the hollow room. He whistled for Rooster and the lack of sound became daunting. He went to dial on the land phone holding onto a weak ray of hope and at the same time feeling almost sure about what was happening.

"Your highness?"

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Miss Anderson?"

"Where is she?" Hamdan asked again, louder.

"She— she left." The guard stuttered.

Hamdan's tone became demanding. "What do you mean she left? How?"

"She announced a certain, uh..."

The sound of paper pages being ruffled around came from the other side of the line.

"Erin Weinberg!" The guard exclaimed. "Erin Weinberg was coming to pick her up after midnight. Miss Anderson left with her."

Hamdan simply hung the phone and sat on the edge of the bed, struggling to assimilate everything. The piece of paper between his fingers slid down onto the carpet.

Why would she leave like that?

He tapped on his phone and held it to his ear. The call went straight to voicemail.

Why did she turn her phone off?

Memories from her firing from the stables came over him and he was not going to waste any time. With a clenched stomach and his mind spinning around, he sprinted to the closet, Hamdan stopped on his tracks at the sight of the vacant shelves and hangers. She had taken everything with her. He shook his head, attempting to put himself together again, and put on sweatpants, a t-shirt and tennis shoes. Snatching one of his caps, he ran down the stairs and out the door. It would be quicker if he went to the garage and got the car himself.

"Open the gates!" He yelled at one of the guards at the main door.

He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding on his chest as his shoes beat the pavement with every footstep he took to the garage. A servant was cleaning one of the wheels of his G Class when he got there, the young man stood up straight looking startled.

"Leave it!" Hamdan ordered, opening the keys cabinet.

The keys of the G Class were on the far right of the first row of car keys. He set the phone on the car mount as he got in and left a screeching sound of the tires driving off to the gate. Palm trees quickly swooshing by as he took the highway towards Sarah's side of town when he decided to call Erin.

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