T W E N T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

We all said goodbye to the fans and went off the stage. We were all currently scattered around on the sofas in the big dressing room I decided to stand since I didn't really feel that tired. Suho, Lay and Kai and Kyungsoo also stood up. Chanyeol, Kris, Tao and Baekhyun sat down on one sofa, Chen, Sehun, Luhan sat on the other.

While I was just standing against the wall, minding my own business my eyes caught something to my right on the other side of the room. It was Suho who was purposely talking to Lay even though I could see on his body language that he wasn't just "talking" he was close to flirting.

Everything in me seemed to snap at the sight and I felt my blood begin to boil. Who the fuck does he think he is? I clenched my fists and stomped over to Suho.

Once I reached him I pushed his shoulders with my hands. He looked at me surprised as if not knowing why I was so angry. That only boosted my anger.

"Listen Suho, who the fuck do you think you are? First you cheat on Chen with Johnny, second you keep fucking around and third you don't know when to stop!" I exclaimed counting all the things I just listed up on my fingers.

"All the guys are here and I'm here to expose your bullshit none tolerant actions," my voice was close to screeching now and I could hear the boys gasp at what I said. I haven't really shown my "fuming with anger" side before to them, so it might have taken them by surprise, but I highly think that that's why they gasp.

"You're the leader! But what kind of leader does such disgusting actions like these? You hurt somebody really badly and I get that you're hurt badly inside from what you told me last time about me stealing your fame, but I could care less. Because that's no excuse to hurt a person 3x worse. So think it through you low life piece of shit leader and maybe later you could sincerely apologize to me, the boys and specially to Jongdae!" I finished off breathing heavily from my rant, pointing my finger to where I believed Chen was seated. Suho looked shocked, with his mouth slightly agape. When my words finally caught on and sunk into his head, his face turned hard.

"Why should I apologize to you? What you've done is just as bad. You fell for a certain someone. Who's that Xiumin? Please do tell the rest of the boys," Suho said crossing his arms over his chest his face fuming with anger.

I didn't have to think twice about what he was referring to. What he thinks I've terribly done is that I fell for Chen. Is he serious now? What he did is far worse than what I had done.

Kris coughed, reminding us that they were still there and I turned around to them. All the boys had stood up now listening carefully to Suho and I. Chen was the only still seated, looking as if he was about to cry.

Am I ready to confess to Chen and the rest of the boys that I love Chen? I guess there's no way back. Chen sort of knows, but he hasn't heard the exact words come from my lips. I sighed and began to speak.

"I'm in love with Chen. Always have, always will. That's what Suho thinks I've done that's just as worse. I call bullshit since the reason Suho came together with Chen was to get revenge on me for stealing his fame and taking your love away from him," I said waving my arms, in a giving up matter. The boys' gasp became more audible now and some looked as if they were about to cry while others had their fists clenched and their face read 'disappointed'.

"Is this true, Suho? Is it true that you cheated on Chen with Johnny? Did you really just get together with Chen because you wanted revenge?" Kris said being one of those who had their costs clenched and 'disappointed' written on their face.

Suho's face was expressionless and his lips pulled into a thin line. It was as if his silence was answer enough and Kris looked furious.

"How could you do this, Suho?" Kyungsoo spoke up from within the group and the boys moved to the side revealing him. His face was unreadable. It wasn't to say what he was feeling, but one thing was for sure. He was sad and disappointed. "I've always looked up to you as a leader, but now I don't know what to think. You were always there for us, when we needed you. You were there when we had gotten lost or when we had done something wrong."

"You've always had our love, Suho. How could you even think that Xiumin would steal it away from you?" Sehun's voice cracked at the end of the sentence and a single tear rolled down his cheek.

Suho's had the same unreadable expression, but it softened up slightly at Sehun's words and he pulled his lips into a thinner line. We all knew how fond Suho was of Sehun and vice versa. They've known each other for a longer time than they've known us after all.

Lay coughed and we turned to look at him. The others made space for him to come out from the group. His face were emotionless. The boys looked a bit surprised and waited in anticipation of what in the world he was going to say.

"You know Suho, I don't easily regret anything I've done in life, but I'm so disappointed in what you've done to Chen that I actually regret falling in love with you," Lay said, confessing his feelings. The boys looked surprised at the sudden confession, but since I knew about this I just looked down sadly. "How could you do this to Chen? What happened to the Suho I fell for?You could probably careless, but I love you so much in my heart, Suho I always have, but until you man up and apologise to us boys, Xiumin and Chen, like Xiumin said, I'm not sure I always will love you. Until you apologise I and the rest of the boys will not put up with your shit anymore. I've seen how much you tried to flirt with me and I must admit my heart felt happy, but I also knew very well that you were with Chen so that's why I won't be here to help you clean up this mess you've created."

The room fell totally silent after Lay had finished his speech. Lay was breathing heavily, his eyes red with tears. Suho looked at Lay with his mouth agape and eyes wide in surprise.

He probably didn't expect anybody to be in love with him.

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Don't you just love cliffhangers? <3

I'm so sorry for the slow update, but it was hard to make this chapter add up to how I wanted it to go and I wanted to make it amazing for you guys <3

I hope you will still read the story and love it (^-*) cause not nearly done with this. The road is still wide and long (^•^) *kiss*

Don't forget to vote and comment my lovelies! And I'll see you in the next chapter <3

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