chapter 43

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Finn finally managed to get off the phone with Isabel, just as the pizza was arriving. Finn and Rachel ate in the livingroom, watching Will and Grace, despite Finn's protests. 

After they’d finished eating, Liz took the dishes into the kitchen. As she was rinsing them off and putting them in the dishwasher, she heard the front door open. She glanced over her shoulder to Finn, who was still sitting on the couch. 

The intruder finally came around the corner, giving her a big smile as he made his way over to her. “Hey Rachie. Welcome back.” He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. He looked at the dishes in her hand. “You already ate? It’s Friday. Its our weekly dinner date night.” 

Rachel was so flustered to see David, she could do little more than move her mouth like a fish out of water. She glanced over to where Finn was pulling himself off the couch, with the help of his crutches before making his way into the kitchen. 

David pulled back from Rachel slightly when he saw Finn approaching. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.” He held his hand out to Finn. “David Jones.” 

“Finn Hudson.” Finn replied, shaking his hand. 

David’s eyes narrowed. “Oh my god, I totally didn’t recognize you. Its really nice to meet you, I’m a big Celtics fan. Sorry to hear about the injury dude, that’s rough.” 

Despite wanting to hate this guy who had walked in unannounced, and kissed Rachel, Finn couldn’t. There was just something about him that you had to like. Finn snorted a laugh. “Tell me about it.” Finn glanced down at his crutches. “I’m dyin to get back on the court.” 

Rachel's head turned sharply in Finn's direction. “You know what the doctor said. Absolutely not. Not until you’ve been in physical therepy for awhile.” 

Finn rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mommy.” 

Rachel stuck her tongue out at him, but went back to putting the dishes in the dishwasher. 

“Alright, well, I’m gonna head out.” David said, walking over to give Rachel another kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re back, babe. I missed ya.” 

“I missed you too, David. I’ll see you next Friday for dinner?” She asked. 

“If you’re free. Just gimme a call later in the week, ok?” Rachel nodded, so David turned back to Finn. “It was really nice to meet you, man. Sorry I didn’t recognize you, Rachel never mentioned that she knew you... caught me a little off guard.” 

Finn glanced over at Rachel, who was avoiding looking at him. He decided to let it slide until they were alone, instead of making a scene. “Yeah, nice to meet you, too.” 

“Bye guys.” David turned and walked back out of the apartment. 

Finn opened his mouth to question her, but he heard David say ‘go on in.’ so he stopped himself. 

“Rachel! Where are you?” A girls voice drifted towards the kitchen. Rachel whirled around to face the hallway coming from the front door, a look of terror on her face. 

Steph, Chelsea, Crystal and Renae all came around the corner. They looked at Rachel, glanced at Finn and did a double take before they all stopped in their tracks, their mouths gaped open. “Oh... my god.” Renae finally said, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. 

“You... You’re Finn Hudson.” Chelsea told him. “Rachel, that’s Finn Hudson.” 

“Yes, I realize that, Chels.” Rachel laughed nervously, brushing a tendril of hair out of her face. Before she could open her mouth to ask them to talk to her in her bedroom, away from Finn, Crystal blew the whole thing. 

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