chapter 10

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"What is she doing here?!" Finn hissed at his sister. If he knew her, and he did, he knew she had something to do with this little gathering.

"She is here to have a good time just like you." Isabel tried to act as if it was no big deal, but knowing her brother she knew he wasn't just going to let this go.

"A good time? Rachel, in the woods? That's a fucking joke! Rachel doesn't like the outdoors, she'd rather sell her soul to the devil before she sleeps outside with miscellaneous creatures, as she calls them." finn said, not knowing that he was quoting Rachel's exact words from a few moments ago.

"You're getting all worked up for nothing, Finn." Isabel brushed off his last statement, even though she knew it was the truth. Rachel was probably giving Maria and Michael a hard time.

"Worked up? Isabel you do realize how big of a mistake this is, right?" finn pulled her to the side with his back facing rachel.

"Gentle please," Isabel knew that her brother was upset, but he wasn't looking at the big picture. She would just have to make him see what was right in front of his face.

"finn, I'm doing you a favor here. You'll thank me later."

"Thank you? Isabel have you been sniffing Maria's cypress oil again? Seriously, I think you have been to one too many sales at the mall." finn was trying to get his emotions in check. Even though it wasn't a good thing that Rachel was there, it wasn't terrible either, he missed seeing her all this time.

"No, I stopped sniffing that stuff when I accidentally got some up my nose, that stung like hell."

"Isabel, could you focus here for a minute? Rachel is over there. Rachel, the girl I broke up with, the girl who hates my fucking guts." Finn bit out through clenched teeth. He loved his sister but right now he wanted to throw her up a tree and leave her to the wolves.

"It'll be fine, don't worry. Everything will work out." Isabel said stepping away from her brother, only to be pulled back by his side.

"Fine? Isabel I love you, I really do but you realize that I haven't spoken to or seen her since I broke up with her? This is really bad, you get that, right?" Finn's patience was wearing thin. He could see Rachel arguing with Maria, and obviously she was just as upset as he knew she would be with him being there.

"Finn would you stop groaning, it's not becoming. Now, get yourself together and let's be polite and say hello." Isabel said wrapping her arm around her brother's shoulder and guiding him towards Maria and Rachel.

"Maria, what the fuck is going on? What is he doing here?!" Rachel was furious. Wasn't it bad enough that she was stuck sleeping outside in the jungle with wild beasts? Obviously not to her best friend, Rachel was seriously reconsidering that title for Maria. Traitor, that seemed more appropriate at the moment.

"I have no idea. Maybe he was in town or whatever and Isabel invited him. I mean, he is her brother after all." Maria couldn't look Rachel in the eye. She knew the excuse was inadequate but she didn't really think about the excuse because somewhere in the back of her mind she thought the reunion would go very smoothly. Maybe a little music in the background and Rachel running slowly into Finn's arms and then...

"Maria! Would you get your mind out of La-La land and focus on me here?! Why is he here? I know you know why! Stop lying to me!" Rachel tried to keep her voice down and act like she could care less that Finn Hudson, the man that broke her heart, was not standing ten feet away from her.

"Rach, I'm sorry I just..."

"Wait. You're sorry? You planned this? Maria, how could you? You are supposed to be my best friend." Rachel said, unable to hide the hurt in her voice. She knew that Maria might have meant well but that didn't make it okay.

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