49. Resignation

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"Yeah. She just handed it over to me. Said she had very personal reasons to do so and begged me to please accept it."

She was leaving again, she said she was ready and now she was running away one more time.

Salem cleared his throat before continuing. "I don't mean to intrude but I thought you'd be interested in knowing."

"She's leaving?" Hamdan asked.


"Yeah, is she going back to the States?"

"That I don't know."

"And she's gone now?"

"No, she asked for one last ride with Princesa, she's probably out in the tracks."

Not this time, she was not disappearing again, at least not without an explanation.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Hamdan stood up. "Listen to me Salem, whatever you do, do not let her go, you understand me?"


"Do not let her go till I get there," Hamdan repeated his instructions before hanging up.

He ran barefoot out of his room and bumped into a crew member in the hallway.

"Are they gone? Where are they?"

"No, on the back deck, sir," The man informed him.

Hamdan spun around and ran in the opposite direction.

"Saeed!" Hamdan called as he heard the chattering of his friends.

When he got to the back deck, Saeed was standing up looking startled, while the rest of the guys were sitting around a table getting their fishing gear ready.

"The chopper, now! I have to go!" Hamdan barked.

All the men turned their worried faces to him as Saeed started going through his phone.

"Is everything okay?" AJ wondered.

"Yeah," Hamdan panted. "You can stay but I have to leave."


Sarah had her arms wrapped around Princesa's neck while standing inside the mare's stall. The bond between rider and horse was something that only the ones who experience it can understand. Sarah at least, could never quite put it into words and with Princesa, it was love at first sight.

"You are the best mare, don't let anyone tell you otherwise," she sniffed, struggling to sound calm. "If I get a decent job maybe we'll see each other at the races. Just... don't forget about me, okay? Because I'll never forget you."

She sobbed sweet nothings to Princesa, while the mare whined softly on her shoulder. Sarah forced herself to let go and gave her one last kiss before closing the gate of the stall. She kept her eyes on the floor and started walking the long corridor in the middle of the stable, drying her face with the back of her hand. Her steps slowed down to a complete stop when she saw Hamdan standing at the entrance.

"Hi," he said.

She looked back and all around her. "Are you talking to me?"

"Your resignation letter," he held the piece of paper up in between his fingers.

"Wow. News travels fast around here."

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