"Seems we have our work cut out for us." Leliana drawled.

"More importantly, we now have a name for our enemy." Cullen added.

"But who is Corypheus?" Josephine wondered. "None of us have ever heard of him before."

"I might be able to help with that." Varric offered, joining us. "In all the excitement, the name jogged my memory and I got in touch with an old friend who might be able to help."

"Thanks Varric." I said. "Introduce me."

"It might be better if we do this in private. Parading through Skyhold might cause a bit of a stir. Meet me on the battlements when you have a moment."

Curious, I watched him leave before turning back to catch the gaze of my advisors.

"At any rate, we stand ready to move on these matters at your convenience Inquisitor." Josephine said.

"I know one thing for certain." Leliana murmured. "If Varric has brought who I think he has, Cassandra is going to kill him."


Having arrived at the mysterious castle in the middle of nowhere, he had made a quick tour of the place. On the second floor of the rotunda, he was pleased to discover a well-stocked and still intact library. He'd had enough of the stares and suspicious glances on the trek there and wanted nothing more than to hide himself away from prying eyes.

With the Herald now named their official leader and crowned the Inquisitor, he suspected the man would have little time to chat. A part of him was saddened by the sudden rise to power. It made his own presence there more suspect.

A Tevinter mage with no title, no money and no power would easily be seen as a grasping manipulator. He wasn't that, but he'd learned long ago people would believe what they wanted and denying it only made it worse.

He was absorbed in reading the spines of the books on a nearby shelf when he heard footsteps on the stairs behind him. Steeling himself, he braced for whoever might be about to set him on the defensive and was stunned to see the Inquisitor standing there.

"So Corypheus claims to be one of the ancient magisters who stormed the Black City and doomed us all to the horror of the Blights. How refreshing to realize my homeland is responsible for everything wrong in the world." He paused as his words seemed to have no affect on the man. "What's the matter? Am I speaking too quickly for you?"

"I was distracted." He replied, his eyes glinting.

"By my wit and charm?" He teased. "I have plenty of both."

"You're very confident."

"Yes, well. It was us all along. We destroyed the world." Dorian reminded him, suddenly uncomfortable.

"It's not your fault Dorian." The Inquisitor said.

"No one with thank me, whatever happens. No one will thank you either. You know that yes?"

"I'm not doing this for their approval." He replied.

"I see." Dorian nodded, impressed by the man's confidence. "But enough about that. Oh and congratulations on that whole Inquisitor business. Glad to see someone's capable of taking charge."


I stared at him as he walked away, perusing the bookshelves as he went. The man was so hard to read. I was certain he was interested in me, but not in what way. Was he someone who flirted and teased everyone who spoke to him? Or was it more personal? I just couldn't tell.

Frustrated by the exchange, I headed outside to the battlements to meet with Varric's friend. When I saw the slim, attractive and dark-haired woman standing there, I wasn't surprised. "You must be the Champion." I said, greeting her warmly.

"I am, but I don't use that title much these days."

"I understand." I nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

She went on to explain what had brought her to Skyhold and we arranged to meet with her Warden friend in Crestwood as soon as I could get away. Her friend knew something about the disappearance of the other Wardens and wanted to help.

The mention of Wardens reminded me of Blackwall. I hadn't had time to return to the Hinterlands and wondered if Cassandra had been able to track him down. After I spoke with her, she directed me to the stables where a rough-looking man with a generous black beard and moustache was sitting by a fire.

He was friendly enough, though he had nothing to offer me by way of knowing anything about Corypheus or where the other Wardens had gone. Given what Hawke had just told me about the Warden's history with Corypheus, I found it more than a little suspicious.

Yet he seemed sincere enough in his desire to make a difference, so I shrugged off my misgivings and welcomed him to the Inquisition. Besides, I had enough to worry about without adding my companion's personal secrets to the burden I was carrying. I was content enough in their willingness to join that they could keep their secrets for the time being. I was overwhelmed enough already.


He'd done it again, he thought miserably. Brushed aside the Inquisitor's interest as though it were nothing. He was beside himself with fear and indecision and he didn't much like it. He was almost positive the man had been flirting with him, but he couldn't tell if it was real interest, or just an attempt to make him feel welcome.

After their talk, he lost all interest in the books scattered about and had wandered outside to the battlements where he had a view of the courtyard below. He watched as the Inquisitor headed to a tower and spoke with two figures who were waiting for him. From there, the Inquisitor headed for the barracks and spoke briefly with Cassandra before making his way to the stables on the other end of the large courtyard.

He sighed as he watched him. Whether or not the Inquisitor was interested in him was moot at this point. For now, he was content to admire him from a distance. No one could fault him for that as everyone seemed to show the man a level of respect borne of admiration. If asked, he could simply state what was clearly on everyone else's mind. The Inquisitor was a man to be admired and respected. Simple enough, yet he still found himself anticipating their next chat.

He was still watching when the Inquisitor returned to the entrance to Skyhold. He must have sensed his eyes upon him for he looked up and beamed at him when their eyes met. Surprised, Dorian managed a quick, halting smile before retreating back inside to his claimed space in the library. His heart was pounding as he settled into a chair, a book clutched in his hand.

Well, that was certainly not my imagination, he thought. As the Inquisitor's eyes had met his, he had the distinct impression of seeing hunger and desire reflected there. Definitely more than mere friendship at any rate.

Buoyed by the thought, the tension he held in his shoulders relaxed and a sigh escaped him. Feeling better about joining the Inquisition than he had in weeks, he settled in to read more about the land he now found himself in.

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now