6: Gereon Alexius

Start from the beginning

"So do I." I murmured, catching Varric's knowing look as we headed back to Haven.


"We cannot delay any longer. We must make a decision now before Alexius retracts his offer." Cullen was arguing as I joined my advisors in the war room. "That, or we forget this nonsense with the mages and pursue an alliance with the Templars."

"We have a city of Ferelden occupied by a Magister of the Tevinter Emperium." Leliana countered. "We cannot allow this to continue, it will start a war."

"Regardless, we must find a way to protect the Herald. This entire plan is most certainly a trap. We must do what we can to ensure his safety." Josephine reminded them."

"It seems Alexius has outplayed us all." I said, interrupting them.

"It would seem so." Cullen agreed. "I can't in good conscience advise you on a course of action. Sending you in there alone is guaranteed to get you killed."

"Wait." Leliana said. "There is a secret passage into the castle. Not large enough for soldiers, but a handful of my agents could get through."

"I don't like it." Cullen grumbled. "It's too dangerous."

The door banged open behind me and we all turned to stare at the door. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes landed on Dorian. Maker, I hadn't expected to see him again so soon. I struggled to hide my pleasure at seeing him and must have managed it since he broke eye contact almost as soon as he met my gaze.

"Fortunately, I'm here to help." He said. "You'll never get past Alexius' magical wards without me. Therefore, I volunteer my services to see you safely inside the castle."

"Who is this man?" Cullen demanded.

"His name is Dorian Pavus." Leliana said. "He's a mage from the Imperium."

"No need to say it like that dear lady." He countered. "Not all of us are evil mages who practice blood magic."

"We shall see." She said.

"Mmm. Tough crowd." He mused. "So? What do you say? You want to succeed in stopping Alexius or not?"

"I don't see that we have much choice." Cullen growled.

"Good." Leliana nodded. "Here's the plan."


Though the Herald had readily accepted his offer of help, he couldn't tell whether or not the man was pleased to see him. Something had changed since they'd last spoken. His witty demeanour had been replaced with a seriousness and caution he hadn't noticed before.

Though disappointed, he was still buoyed by the fact he at least would get to speak to him again. It wasn't what he'd hoped for, but it was better than being tossed out of Haven at swordpoint.


Back in Redcliff, Alexius preened as he sat in the ousted Arl's chair. Dorian was furious and dismayed by his former mentor's display. Was he mad? An act like this would surely start a war with all of Thedas once King Alistair heard of it. When the Herald informed Alexius, he would offer nothing in exchange for taking the mages, the trap was sprung.

"They know everything father." Felix said.

"Felix!" Alexius cried. "What have you done?"

"This isn't right. I love you, but you're making a terrible mistake. You joined a cult father."

"I did it for you Felix! It was the only way to save you."

"Save me?" Felix echoed.

"The Elder One. He promised to save you. All he asked in return is that I remove the Herald as the only one who could oppose him."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now