"So what now?" Varric asked as we returned outside to the late afternoon sun.

"I suppose we need to return to Haven. Cullen, Leliana and Josephine need to know what happened here."

"If what the Tevinter said about time travel is true, we must put a stop to it." Solas argued.

"I don't think anyone is suggesting we ignore it Solas." Cassandra retorted.

"I am just voicing a concern Seeker. I've no wish to give orders, merely offer suggestions."

I said nothing to that and headed back to Haven.


My advisors were dismayed with my report and fell to arguing over what to do and how to handle what had happened in Redcliff. Since we had yet to hear from Alexius, there wasn't much we could do at present.

While in Val Royeaux, I'd received offers of support from two as yet, unknown potential allies and an invitation from a Grand Enchanter in Orlais. Tired of traipsing about the countryside, I headed to her home to find out what she wanted.

Some of the nobility asked if I were a guest of Madame de Fer when I arrived, and I told them I was a guest of Lady Vivienne. They laughed and said my response was amusing since Vivienne also called herself Madame de Fer. I didn't get it and was about to say so when Duke something or other began insulting me before challenging me to a duel to defend my honour. I didn't get the opportunity to decline before he was quite suddenly frozen in place.

A tall, dark woman with an elegant and impressive gown and mask descended the staircase, speaking to the captive Duke the entire time.

"My dear Duke. You know how much I despise such rude behaviour in my home. Especially when it is directed at one of my guests who I invited here personally."

"Lady Vivienne." He stammered. "My apologies... I didn't mean to..."

"Hush darling. I know what you meant. Whatever shall I do with you?"

She turned to me then, a faint smile on her lips. "You, my dear, are the injured party here. What do you suggest?"

"The Duke doesn't interest me."

Releasing the duke with a snap of her fingers, she smiled at him coldly. "Run along now my dear duke, before I change my mind about you."

Once the duke had made his disgraceful departure, Vivienne led me upstairs so we could speak privately.

"I'm so glad you could come my dear." She purred. "I've so wanted to meet you. My name is Lady Vivienne and I would very much like to join your Inquisition."

"You do? Why?"

"Isn't it obvious darling? The Chantry is in shambles and Orlais has become embroiled in a civil war. It will take a monumental effort to restore the Circles and restore order in these troubled times."

"Is this a personal or business proposition Lady Vivienne?" I asked.

"My, aren't you charming?" She purred again. "Why it's professional of course."

"Very well." I nodded. "Welcome to the Inquisition."


The second interested party on my list was out on the Storm Coast. A Qunari with his own band of misfit mercenaries wanted to join our cause.

I eyed the tall, heavily muscled oxman with interest and suspicion. I didn't trust the Qunari and trusted oxmen even less. He called himself the Iron Bull and the men he commanded the Chargers. Witty for a member of the Qun whose order used titles, not names. Even wittier given he was also an oxman who were not known for their humour.

"So? What do you say?" He pressed, looking down at me. "We fight hard and we're loyal to our employers. We're worth the cost and have never broken a contract."

I agreed to the alliance even as I vowed to keep an eye on him. Despite what he'd said, Qunari were sneaky bastards. They were ruthless, skilled and not to be trusted. Yet I had been tasked with garnering support and this one had come to us, just as Lady Vivienne had.

"You won't regret this boss." He said, breaking into a wide grin. "Krem! Tell the Charges to pack up, we're hired."

"But Chief, we just opened one of the casks." Krem complained.

"So find a way to seal it up. We're leaving."

"But we used axes Chief."

"Figure it out Krem. We've got work to do."

"Fine Chief." Krem grumbled. "I'll tell the boys."

Turning back to face me, Iron Bull smiled. "Don't worry about us boss. We'll meet you back in Haven."

"Alright." I nodded. "See you there Bull."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now