
~Justin's POV~

As I sat in the stands I had on and off conversations with Emma's parents which mostly consisted of how are you's and awkward stuff like that. I was really anxious for the game to actually start mostly to see Emma play but also kind of so there would be something for me and her parents to talk about.

I looked over to where Emma's team was to see they were in a circle stretching while their coach talked to them. 

"So, Justin, me and Emma's father were talking," she turned to face me, "and we were thinking that maybe eventually we could all have dinner together including your parents since we havent met them yet."

My stomach churned when I processed that she wanted us all to have dinner. It's not that I dont want her to meet my mom or anything but if she wanted to do it at our house she'd be pretty mortified when she walked through the door to see the rat hole we live in compared to their castle.

"Uh.. yeah. Yeah I'll let my mom know," I said not facing her anymore, playing with my fingers. I could see her nodding through the corner of my eye when I heard the whistle blow indicating that the game was about to start.

~Emma's POV~

Coach turned to face us when he heard the whistle blow and a worried look crossed his face.

"This is it guys. This is your opportunity to be the state champs. Let's not ruin this," he pulled out his clipboard, "okay. Starting lineup: Cassie in goal, Jessica, Jamie, and Francesca on defense, mids are Lacey, Aimee, Sarah, and offense is gonna be Maddie, Ally, Lexie, and Amanda. Got it?"

My heart dropped when he didn't call my name as offense. He's never put me as a sub. I've always been on starting line-up...

"C-coach?" I walked toward him, making him turn to face me, "I'm not starting out?"

"Em, I'm not sure your playing at all this game. Considering what happened last game you played and the fact that your not entirely healed yet is'nt good news."

"W-what? No, coach you don't understand. I can play, really I'm fine I wont let you down you know I'll try my hardest and if your not putting me in cause you think it'll hurt the team I swear--"

He interrupted me, "Emma... it's not that I think you'll let us down its just that this is too much of a risk for your leg. I'm sorry."

With that, he walked away leaving me standing alone, jaw wide open. He can't do this. I'm fine, I can do this and it's not even his place to tell me I cant. Its my leg, right? Shouldn't I be the one to decide if this is too much of a risk for my leg?

I decided I would bother him when he needed to sub the other girls in, so for now I walked back over to where coach was and I sat with the three other girls who were being used as subs.

The whistle blew when I sat down with the girls and it was almost like that was coach's cue to start screaming his head off. I watched as Lexie took the ball down the line, crossing it over to Aimee who was being marked with two of the girls from the other team but somehow managed to get through them. She passed back to Lexie who let it go when three girls ganged up on her.

"Whats up, Em? Your usually starting out, what happened?" I turned my head to see Gracie with a confused look evident on her face.

"Coach is keeping me out cause of my leg," I shrugged.

"Oh man I'm sorry. Your okay, right?"

"Yeah that's the annoying part. My leg has been fine for a week but apparently I'm not fully healed according to coach."

"God, he better put you in or else were really gonna suffer out there," she frowned.

I turned to face the field again, not really in the mood for talking. As soon as my eyes layed on the ball I got this feeling I'd been getting a lot lately. I haven't played in almost a month and I cant help but miss it. I miss the feeling you get when your shoved to the ground in a dramatic fight for the ball-- not matter how it ends, and I miss the satisfaction of leading your team to victory with that winning goal.

This is the championship game... and if I cant help lead my team to our win, I'm not technically apart of the state team. 

"Coach?" I asked nervously.

"Hm?" He didn't take his eyes off the field, and he probably wasn't even listening but I thought I'd give it a try anyway.

"I just... I know I'm ready to go in and you don't have to worry about my leg. I'm fine and I promise I can do this."

He still didn't turn away from the field and I could tell he most likely didn't even hear a word I just said.

"I don't know," he finally blurted out.

"You... you don't know? You don't know what? I'm not asking if you know Im ready, I'm telling you I am ready." I furrowed my eyebrows at him, and finally got him to look at me.

"Look Emma, I don't think you understand. Its not that I think anything bad will happen with your leg if you play, its that if I let you play and something bad happens you got hurt on my watch. And thats not gonna sound too good to the DOC," he said sympathy evident in his eyes, "I'm sorry."

Rolling my eyes, I walked back over to where the other girls were sitting and plopped down right next to Gracie. She shifted when I sat down and smiled at me. I smiled back when an idea popped into my head.

"G-Gracie? Would you uh... mind doing me a favor?" I asked politely with a weak grin forming at the corner of my mouth.

"A favor? W-What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows together and moved around until she was facing me completely.

"Well, uh.. coach wont let me play... and it doesn't look like hes paying a whole lot of attention to anything but the game itself so I was just thinking that maybe when he calls for you to go in," I paused, feeling guilty, "I could go instead..."

A/N Not really anything to say for this authors note that's too important but I have a question for you guys:)

1. Do you think Emma is gonna get to play? If so, do you think anything will happen to her leg?

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