Nothing. I see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing. She's gone. She's left me all alone.

Anger and annoyance boils through my blood, reaching each fingertip and each toe. My hand twitches and I keep it in a punch position, ready to knock out anyone.

The strength in my body leaves and I fall to the floor, my knees scraping against the rough floor. I feel my warm blood drip out, but all my mind can focus on is the kiss we shared, the moments we shared and the mistakes I made.

I back out into the corner of my mind, unable to control anything anymore.

My wolf takes over, howling in anger so loud, my own ears feel the need to bleed.

Guards rush from each of the gates and fur starts to sprout, each hair growing longer. I feel my senses heighten and my emotions too and in a second, I'm my wolf.

My black coat shines in the moonlight and I growl at all the guards.

The mind link is rushing with multiple questions from Jax but the anger is all aimed at only one thing. Only on thing revolves around my world and I'm not letting her go so easily.

The questions stop, indicating the arrival of my Beta.

He runs out, shocked to see my wolf.

But I don't care about his opinion. Because I can only be calm if the one person that I need comes.

No-one can stop me. I will find her, even if it costs my life.


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Zak's anger turns into laughter and he laughs at me, his booming voice echoing around the small room.

"You think you can win me? I can break you until there's nothing left of you. Nothing. You don't want to anger me Mate. You don't."

I eye him wi disgust and spit in his face. "Mate? When did I become your mate? I have only one mate. I will always only have one mate. And do you know what his name is? Because it sure ain't yours. It's Silas Black. Alpha Silas Black. Alpha of the Eclipse and the Moonshine Pack. Got it? Or do you need a kindergarten teacher to come teach you?"

He growls at me, his face just millimetres away from my own. His hand finds my hair and he pulls, tugging with all his strength.

I feel strands pull out with force but I keep a blank face.

The pain is excruciating and my eyes produce small tears but I don't scream and I don't shout. Because if there's one thing I've learnt, it's that silence is the most deadliest weapon.

He pulls my hair and starts to punch my stomach, delivering punch after punch after punch. Each punch causes my eyes to close more and me to cough more violently.

I won't faint. I won't black out. He is not getting the benefit of the doubt.

Because he's so close, it gives me an advantage of spitting better in his face. I spit in his face and bang my head harshly against his own.

The amount of times I've done this movement has me tolerant to any pain. I am a rogue, I had to know her to fight to survive. What does he think? I don't know how to fight at all? He's got another thing coming then, hasn't he?

I watch his body stumble back from the impact and I use this opportunity to kick him repeatedly in the stomach.

He falls into a table and hits his head, hard. A loud thump verifies his lack of consciousness and I run to the kitchen, rubbing the ropes against the sharp corner of the table.

It takes a lot of time but eventually, the one of the ropes fall of, giving me a chance to grab a knife and cut the other off.

Once they're off, I hide knives in my very loose clothing and go to run out of the house, when three things catch my eye.

A note, a gun and a phone.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I find myself opening the note, reading the few word on it.


I helped you, it's your turn to help me. Kill him and her as promised.


A sound comes from the main room and I shove the note into the first place I can think of: my bra.

I reach for the phone and gun and sprint towards the front door. Obviously it's locked. I hit with all my might against it and the door shudders under the pressure.

"Going somewhere?"

So close.

We got Silas' point of view! Finally! Was it like you expected? Or was it not Silasy enough?

It's so crazy to think that my book, Fandomacc's book is over 30K! I actually still can't believe it. And you guys! Seriously, what would I do without you?

You guys always try to comment and whoever you do, I try my hardest to reply because I love it when you comment!

I couldn't ask for better readers and the best thing is, you guys are from all around the world! It's so cool to think that people half way across the world are reading my book!

Anyway, questions:

Do you think Quinn will get out?

Who do you think the mysterious note person is?

Was Silas' reaction as you would expect it to be?

How did you find Silas' point of view?

Who's your dream guy/girl?

How would you describe your personality?

Who watched Titanic and cried? (I did the first time XD)


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