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{Httyd2 modern AU

I advise to listen to the song first, but it's your choice.


Astrid walked the streets of Berk at night, gripping her jacket and looking down at the grey pavement floor while walking.

The night was cold as usual and there where only some street lights that were lighting her path as she walked, being careful as to where she's going.

She wanted to get home as soon as possible since she doesn't like being out at night, especially when it's this cold out.

She walked for about five minutes until she felt something hit her head.

She looked up, and even if it was dark, she could make out dark clouds forming above her head, indicating it was going to rain.

Another drop hit her head confirming her assumption that it was going to rain, so she walked faster.

Soon enough, it started raining and she gripped herself tighter. She squinted her eyes looking for some kind place where she can stay until the rain dies down.

With a huff of cold air that she let out of her mouth, she looked ahead across the street to see a small cafe as to where she could shelter herself from the rain.

So she crossed the street careful with the vehicles that were passing by. She was now in front of the place. She looked up at the sign and sighed sadly when she saw  'The Cove' as the name of the place. A place that brings her back memories.

She pushed open the glass door, a bell was heard telling the people inside that another customer has arrived.

She sat on one of the tables that were there, looking around the place with a sad smile. Listening to the soft music being played on the speakers.

There weren't too many people inside the cafe, she could see a man reading a book  across from her, and a young couple sharing a milkshake to her right.

She frowned when looking at the young couple, remembering...Him.

"What will you like to order miss?"

Astrid snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the waitress who was looking down at her.

"Oh..I'll just have some tea" Astrid answered. She didn't really want anything, but the tea will help her with the cold from the rain and any sickness she might have picked from it.

"What kind?" The waitress asked.

Astrid thought for a second but shrugged afterwards."any kind will do" she answered.

"Ok. Coming right up" the waitress said and smiled. Astrid nodded forcing a smile and with that the waitress went to get her order.

Astrid sighed and looked out the glass window focusing her eyes on two rain drops that were racing themselves until they united. She smiled sadly looking at the rain, and a memory came to her mind.

"I'll race you" hiccup said looking at her. They where at the park on a date when it started raining.

"Hiccup is raining!" Astrid objected rubbing her arm.

"Well we are here, and the car is way over there" he laughed pointing to the parking lot which was at  the other side of the park."besides you love the rain!"

"Yeah, when I'm inside" Astrid said.

"Please Astrid! Just one race?" He pleaded. Astrid shook her head.

Hiccstrid Drabbles! {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now