Save Me P2

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Part 2! Yay


It has been 5 days since Astrid has been captured.

The gang has been trying to look for her non stop! But they still haven't found any trace of her, and Hiccup is not taking it very well.

He has been spacing out a lot and the gang hasn't seen him for four days!

They try to knock on his door a few times to check up on him but he will just either shout 'GO AWAY!' and 'I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS!' at them, and has even commanded Toothless to shoot a plasma blast at them. Fishlegs is still recovering from the last Time.

"UGH!" Hiccup said when he slammed his fists on the table in his hut.

He's been checking off islands on his map, that he and the gang went when they  where looking for Astrid.

But he still hasn't found his Divine Beauty.

He bit his lip and pulled his hair in frustration when he looked at the map that had black crosses all over the place.

Toothless came over to his rider and nudged his hand softly but Hiccup turned it into a fist.

"OH THOR WHY DID I LET HER GO ON HER OWN?!"  He shouted that Toothless jumped and ran up the stairs to his bed.

Hiccup panted looking at the map thinking about his girlfriend.

Oh how much he missed her. Her smile, her Crystal clear sky blue eyes, her long golden hair, the way she can make him loose focus and keep him on track every time he hears her soft voice,

Tears threatened to fall out when he thought about her.

"Arrrrggggghhh!" He screamed and threw the map to the floor.

Heather who was just walking by his hut since she and Dagur promised they will not leave the edge until Astrid is found, frowned when she heard the troubled boy.

She stopped at the door, and hesitated A little bit but opened anyway to put an end to his misery.

When she did, she gasped at the sight of the dragon rider.

His hair was more crazier than the usual, he was pale and skinnier than before and even if she couldn't see his eyes, she could tell they where red and puffy with bags under it.

Heather felt sympathy for the boy who was shaking and crying as he was standing with his head down and hands gripping the wooden table before him.

Apparently he didn't notice her until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

"Hiccup..." She whispered but he just turned around and glared at her with red eyes and a tear stained face.

That caught her off guard but she didn't let him push her out of the door just yet.

"Hiccup. This isn't healthy for you or your team. I know you feel bad but you need to calm down, we can help you if you are willing to let us" she said.

This, do not make Hiccup happy.

"REALLY HEATHER?!" Hiccup exclaimed but Heather showed no emotion nor did she jump at his outburst.

"Astrid has been gone for a week and is nowhere to be found and your telling me I should CALM DOWN?!?!" He said with anger and sadness on his eyes.

"what if I Never see her again! What if she has been captured and is probably dead somewhere outside the archipelago! I'M THE  REASON MY GIRLFRIEND IS GONE!" he said and let the tears fall.

Heather was trying her best not to cry also but a tear escaped her eyes anyway.

She pulled him into a tight hug and that's when the boy broke.

"Shh it's going to be ok Hiccup. I promise you, we will find her but only if you let us help you. You can't do this alone, and we are here for you every step of the way." She said as Hiccup was  sobbing on her shoulder.

"I-I'm..S-sorry...I'm s-so s-s-sorry" he said still sobbing.

"Oh don't be sorry, we know it's been very hard for you these past few days" she said and pulled back slightly.

"But it's all my fault" he said looking down.

"Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault. You didn't know this would happen and I'm sure that Astrid didn't either. She would've said the same thing and wouldn't want you to be crying over her" she said lifting his chin so he could look at her.

"In the mean time, let's get you something to eat brother you need your strength" she said and he smiled wiping his eyes looking at her with a slight smirk.

"What?" She asked as she saw him staring at her.

"You called me brother" he said smiling.

"What? Fine ok? Is rubbing on me" she said and they laughed.

"C'mon Hiccup" she said gesturing to the door and he followed after calling Toothless.

"Get up" was the cold voice of a hunter looking at the pale lifeless blonde girl on the cold floor.

"I said get-" he was cut off by Viggo when he came into the scene.

"Please please, that's not how we treat out guest is it?" He said looking at the hunter straight in the eyes.

The hunter looked down not wanting to make eye contact with Viggo and he apologized himself and left.

Meanwhile, there was a low groan coming fr the ground ,meaning Astrid has woken​ up.

When she did, her hands flew rapidly to her head feeling the throbbing pain she got from the beating she had days ago.

When her eyes adjusted, she checked her surroundings and gasped.

"What?" She mumbled.

"Well good morning Astrid. Nice to see you're awake and not well...Dead" he said casually.

Astrid looked at the cold being and cringed at the sight.

"Where..Where am I? And..How do you know my name?"  She asked not looking at him.

Viggo smirked when he saw his plan is working.

"Oh you are at my new hunter base, and the fact that I know your name? Let's just say you belong to me now." He said.

"What do you mean?" She asked now looking at him.

"And...What the Thor happened to you?" She said obviously disgusted by his appearance.

"That doesn't matter" he said coldly.

"What matters now is your job to destroy the dragon riders at last...That is, if you join me" He said

"What do you mean 'join you'  I thought you said I belong to you" she said and Viggo smirked.

"You do"  

Dun dun dun. Another Cliff hanger! Man I am so sorry for doing that but you guys did remember I said there could be a part 3 right?

Right anyway, I'm sorry for not updating in so long and I will try to update part three tomorrow. I. Will. Try.

This is actually the first one shot that I let go up to there parts!😂 Who knows, maybe a part 4 might come out.....

Lol no.

But seriously though. It could happen....

Anyway, vote and comment!

See you on the next chapter My little Walker's,see what I did there? Anyone?

Ok that won't catch on and I don't want it to Lol

Have a great day!


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