"You have the best bed," she mumbled.

His hips were instantly drawn to her body. "It's better when you're here."

She gasped and started kicking the sheets away, startling him.

"Look!" She exclaimed, lifting her leg up in the air.

The swelling had gone down almost entirely on her foot. Aside from the bandages on her toes and the purple shade on it, everything looked almost normal.

"Great!" He exclaimed, going back to his previous position.

He brushed her hair up with his hand and started kissing the back of her neck, making her giggle.

"What?" He whispered without stopping.

"Your beard. It tickles."

He felt her whole body shiver. His lips continued his way down to her back and up to her shoulder, as his hand slid on the silky nightgown she had on down to the soft skin of her thigh. Feeling a tidal of arousal, he backed off immediately and rolled out of bed. Sarah turned on her back with her eyebrows drawn together.

"I have to get up or I'll never leave," he explained, rushing to the bathroom.

"Hamdan, you big tease!" Was the last thing he heard before a pillow crashed on his back.

His already smiling face lighted up at the sight of some of Sarah's things displayed on the ample marble countertop next to the sink she chose to be hers. He brushed his teeth over his own sink and took the boxers off to get in the shower. He turned the faucet left for hot water but then changed his mind and twisted it to the right for a cold one.

His breathing was cut short as the water fell down on his back and resumed back to normal once his body got used to the temperature. Keeping his hands off of her was going to be a challenging task. He managed to stop himself not only because he had to get ready for the race, but also because he felt that if things escalated, the only thought on his mind was going to be where her injured foot was and that he did not want to hurt it somehow.

Sarah's cheery voice made his eyes snap open.

"I think I've got it!" She said excitedly, walking in with the crutches, the black splint was back on.

"Hey!" He turned to face her with both hands covering his crotch.

The glass walls of the shower did not leave anything to the imagination.

She looked at him from head to toe. "See?" She called from the other side of the room, pointing at him with one of the crutches. "Is not the same!"

He hung his head and laughed. She was right.

"Do not mind me!" She said, leaning the crutches against the countertop and grabbing her toothbrush. "I told you this was a bad idea and this is just the beginning of day one!" She warned, applying toothpaste to her brush.

Not only was that not a bad idea, it was the best idea he'd had in a while. One small part of him was glad about her broken foot, because it was what brought her to live with him, even if it was for a few days only.

He finished rinsing his hair, patted his body dry with a towel and wrapped it around the waist. He walked past behind her, grabbed the shaving cream can and started spreading it on his neck as Sarah finished brushing her teeth. She pulled herself up to sit on the white marble between the two sinks and watched him shave in silence. When he finished with the neck area, he put more cream on the cheeks.

"Can I try?" She asked, scooting over closer to where he was.

Without thinking much, he gave her the razor and placed his hands on each side of her legs, his thumbs touching her skin. She flipped her hair back and raised the razor to his face. The moment it touched him he took a step back and yelled.

Promise This (English Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz