Chapter 73: Babieeeeees!!!!!

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"Oh my babygirl is okay!" Said Mom as she placed a kiss on my cheek. "I was so worried."

She gently picked up Meadow who was still as calm as she was when I first woke up.

"Ahh I'm an uncle!" Riley excitedly yelled as he picked up Kaiser.

"You have to be very careful with him. He's extremely energetic." I pointed out.

"Aw he's smiling. He totally has my smile."

"Nah, your smile is stupid. He has that little rough spot in his right eyebrow like you do though."

"Omg he does!"

He was so proud of himself as if he somehow contributed to Kaiser's looks. I loved how happy he was to be an uncle. It was adorable.

"Whose eyes does they have?" He asked.

That's when it hit me.

I hadn't seen them open their eyes yet so I didn't know if they had my eyes, River's eyes,.... Or Max's.

I still wasnt 100% sure who the father was.

Defeat and guilt struck me again just when I thought things were going great.

Mom and Riley stayed in for about another 10 minutes and left.

Then Jordan and Max came in.

"Hey piccola." Max greeted.

"Hey dumbo." Jordan said. "You look like shit."

"Hey guys." I laughed. "And thanks J."

"Anytime." He replied as he reached down to pick up Kaiser and Max got Meadow.

"Damn Kai chill out." Jordan said as Kai started squirming in his arms. "Good luck dealing with him Cass."

"I know." I responded.

Meanwhile Max just held Meadow, staring down at her, not once taking his eyes off of her.

Jordan and I looked at eachother.
We both knew what he was thinking.

"This is hard for me but I know its even harder for you." He said, talking to me but still looking down at her.

He grabbed her tiny hand and held it.

"I hate that I put you in this situation."

"It's not your fault. If anything I put myself in this situation."

"As beautiful as these kids are, I'm just praying that they're River's." He stated.

He still hadn't looked at me.

I knew he was being honest though.

He really didn't want to be the father. Not because he just wasnt ready to be a dad, but because if he was the dad then it'd make things 10x's harder on everyone; him, the kids, me, River, Lindsay....

Once they left in came Lindsay and Journey.

"Let me see them let me see them let me see them!!" Said Lindsay.

Her and Journey hurriedly picked up the babies and started gawking.

"Omg Cass they're adorable!" Lindsay remarked.

"This little guy's gonna be a heartbreaker!" Journey added. "Already smiling!"

"Thanks guys. I bet you're both ready to meet your little ones."

Both of their faces lit up.

Lindsay was already halfway through her pregnancy while Journey was about two months.

River. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ