My Favorite Flavor

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This is a Cheater Blake x Male Reader x Neo requested by wolf_king_the_second.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was another day at Beacon and I was going through the grounds with my girlfriend Blake as she read her book. I held her hand to make sure she wouldn't hit anyone while she was reading.

When we got to the library we sat down at a table with Sun and Neptune and started talking. A couple of minutes later Sun had to go take care of some stuff so he left.

(Y/N): "Why did Sun leave?"

Neptune: "It's his heat cycle so he has to take care of it."

(Y/N): "I shouldn't have asked." I facepalmed and Neptune just laughed.

Blake: "Hey babe I'm gonna go to the restroom okay."

(Y/N): "Alright." She pecked my cheek and left.

Timeskip - 1 Hour

(Y/N): "Its been an hour. Where could they be?

Neptune: "I don't know, but I'll go check."

(Y/N): "It alright. I'll go check." I got up from my chair and waved goodbye. While I walked down the hall I asked people if they saw Blake pass by. They told me she was heading to her dorm.

On my way to her room I passed Neo and waved hello. She waved, but gave me a look of pity while passing. I wondered why she gave me that look, but I just waved it off. I was about to opened her door, but the moans I heard stopped me.

Blake: "Faster Sun~. You're so much better than my idiot boyfriend~" My heart shattered and a tear ran down my cheek. I backed away from the door and leaned on the wall opposite of it.

A few more minutes passed and they finally exited the room cover in sweat. They were in complete shock when they noticed me.

Blake: "H-Hey babe. What are you doing here?." She was completely nervous. She tried to give me a kiss, but I stopped her. "Don't you wanna kiss?" I just stared her down

(Y/N): "Why would I wanna kiss from you?" Venom was present in my voice

Blake: " Because I'm your girlfriend silly."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure you meant ex-girlfriend." I spat out.

Blake: "W-What are you talking about?" She really had some nerve.

(Y/N): "You really think I'm that dumb Blake? I know what went on in there. I know what you did with this asshole. I did everything for you Blake. I made sure to spend everyday making you happy." Tears fell from both of our eyes. "All of the gifts I bought for you. All of the love I showered you with. And yet what do you do? You go behind my back and have sex with another man." Blake tried to grab my arm, but I pushed her away.

Blake: "Nothing happened between me and Sun. I swear (Y/N)." Her eyes were pleading me. I wanted to believe her. I so desperately wanted to believe her, but I knew the truth.

(Y/N): " I gave your my heart Blake and what did you do? You took it and smashed it into pieces. I hope it was worth it Blake, because we are through." Blake broke down in tear as I walked away. When I got to my room I locked the door and curled up into a ball on my bed. I wanted to be alone.

Timeskip - 2 Weeks

I barely came out of my room in those two weeks. The only time I came out of my room was to either go to my class or to get food, but that was it. Blake tried to talk to me everytime I left, but I didn't want to hear any excuses. The only person I've had any contact with is Neo

She was so worried about me that she temporarily moved into my dorm to make sure I was alright. Having her around is pretty much the only thing keeping me going. She would try her best to make me laugh by doing mime impressions and feeding me ice cream. She always succeed and that would make her smile. One day I decided I would ask her a question.

(Y/N): "Neo?"

Neo: "Yes?" She wrote.

(Y/N): "Why do you try so hard to make me smile?"

Neo wrote stuff on her pad and when she was done she gave me it to me with a slight blush.

Neo: "I hate not seeing your smile. It's one of the many things that make you so amazing. When I first started here I was scared that no one would be my friend, but you became one of my closest friends and the more I got to know you the more I began to fall in love. What Blake did to you was unforgivable. I just felt so guilty for not telling you how I felt, because if I did then you wouldn't be hurting like you are." I got up from my bed and pulled Neo into a tight hug.

(Y/N): "Thank you Neo for everything. If you will let me then I will return your feelings in kind." She tapped my chest and I tilted my head downwards. Her lips smashed onto mine and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

While melting into the kiss I wrapped my arms around her waist and deepened it. After a while we had to separated to take a breath. She let go of me and pulled a tub of Neapolitan ice cream. She placed it on the table and handed me a spoon.

(Y/N): "You always did know my favorite flavor." We dug into the frozen treat happy and content.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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