Bully! Germany x Bullied! Child! Reader

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  You peeked around the corner...there he was, Ludwig. He was a teenage, you being almost 10 years younger than him. He was your tormenter, bullying you. He pushed you to the ground almost every day, mess up your hair you spent so much time on, he never called you bad names or said much of anything to you, unlike his older brother whom you like. Gil was nice and funny. You thought about telling him that Ludwig was being mean to you but then you would be a tattle tail.

Ludwig started walking away with his friends and you chanced trying to run toward school which happen to be close to the high school Ludwig and Gil attended.

"(your name)!" A familiar voice shouted making you run fast and tripped. Your hands and knees scraped up badly but you didn't bother to cry not while Ludwig still coming towards you.

"Leave me alone!" You shouted getting to your feet and continued to school.

The school nurse cleaned up your wound before sending you to class. You went to hang up your jacket and backpack but you suddenly found you didn't have you backpack.

"I dropped it when I tripped." You muttered to yourself.

You walked into class, sad, you were a good student and alway turned in your homework but now because of Ludwig you couldn't.

"Stupid meanie."

"Miss (last name), your homework?"

"I...I don't have it."

"Bring it tomorrow but as for today, you don't get a sticker."

You only needed one more sticker for a candy bar and now...

You left school with built-up anger. The only thing you could think about was Ludwig and how he messed everything up for you.

"(Your name)?"

Speak of the devil...Ludwig.

You turned suddenly and saw he had your backpack, "I HATE YOU! JUST AWAY YOU STUPID MEANIE!" You shouted before running away from him.

You got a few blocks away before you stopped and started feeling bad about calling him names he never did that to you thou he pushed you around and messed up your hair and took your backpack...that you didn't take from him. You had no choose but to go back. You turn around to go back only to find Ludwig had followed.

"Jour quick." He said quietly. He handed you your backpack.

"I go running with Gil sometimes." You said to match his quiet tone as you took your backpack. "I'm sorry about calling you names."

"It's fine."

"But it really is your fault for being mean and pushing me and mess up my hair." You pouted. "Gil never does that."

"Ich didn't mean..."

Ludwig looked hurt and confused just to explain himself.

"You didn't mean what?"

"Alfred alway tries to hit you with stones Ich vas just trying protect you."

"Oh...so that's why you push me...to get me out of the way...and messing up my hair was just...I understand now." You walked up and took his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't understand but at least now we can be friend...as long as you forgive me for yelling at you."

"Ja, of course, ich forgive jou."

You smiled up at him. "Then you'll come with Gilly when we go running right."


"He told me I could call him that...oops that was suppose to be a secret."

Ludwig looked like he was trying not to laugh at his brother's nickname.

"I get to call you Luddy now that we are friends right?"

Ludwig stopped laughing and blush lightly. "Ja... I guess jou could."

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