England x Baby Reader x France

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  You lay sleeping in a plastic box your dad's outside looking in at you.
"The doctor said she's gaining weight so that's good." Your dad's says.
Your papa opened a small door next to your head. He gently stroked your cheek. "Mio sweet, (your name)." He said softly.
"Francis why don't you go get us something to drink."
"Sure." Your papa closes the door then leaves.
Your daddy reaches his hand in the box and placed his finger in your hand. You close your tiny fingers around his finger.
"Your strong...just like your papa. No matter what happens to him he always finds a way to fight all the bad things away. You can fight this. My and your papa can't wait to take you home. You have the cutest room fit for a princess." A tear slide down his face but he quickly wiped it away.
"Here you are." Your papa said holding out a foam cup. "Hot tea just the way you like it." He smiled.
"Thank you, love."
"I talked to the doctor. He said a couple more days and we can take our baby home."
"That's good." He said taking a sip. "A bit too sweet, love."
"She stubborn like you." Your papa said like down at you.
"I am not stubborn!"
Your papa only smiled. "In this case it's a good thing."
"Whatever." Your dad said taking another sip. "You still made this tea too sweet."  

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