Popular! America x Loner! Reader

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  You looked on from your lone seat in the back corner watch Alfred, the most popular guy in school. He was surrounded by giggling girls. He's a nice enough guy but he would never come anywhere near you if anything he went out of his way to avoid you. You didn't bite or anything. You didn't have any friends and never spoke unless spoken to and even then you spoke softly just enough to be heard.

To say you liked him was any understatement. From those baby blue eyes to his laugh. He was almost always happy and good in school. You were the opposite. You hardly did anything in class and you really didn't care. You spent most of your time drawing Alfred as the hero he claimed to be.

"Hi." A small voice said.

You look up at the voice, Mathew, Alfred's little brother. He was one of few who talked to you.

"Hi, Mattie."

"Alfred told me to give this to you and wants you to open it when your alone."

"When I'm alone, that's all the time."

"I know what you mean." He said back. "I assume he means when you're in your room tonight."

"Yeah...do you know what this is."

"No, but a lot of trees died before he gave me that."

You look over the paper it was neatly folded nothing special about it. You glanced at Alfred who was still laughing with the group of girls.

"Thanks, Mattie."

All day the letter burned in your pocket. You wanted nothing more than to open it even considering going home early but then again your mom and dad was still home. Finally, the final bell rang and you started for home in a hurry.

You ran the few block to your home and up to your room slamming the door behind you. You quickly opened the letter almost ripping it in your rush.

Dear (your name),

I've rewritten this a thousand times and can't get it right. I tried to write a poem but I can't rhyme. I wrote a couple letter but none seems to say what I want to say so meet me on the docks at dusk.

That was all the letter said. You look out the window the sun was setting you grab a jacket and walk out the door. You walk to the docks. Every scenario playing out in your head most not good. Maybe it's a prank? He probably going to start bullying me. Maybe the letter was real from Mattie, that would make more sense.

At the docks, you were the only one there. Was it all a lie? Is this a prank?

"You...you really came." A voice behind you said.

You turned only to be met with blue eyes looking into your (eye color) ones.

"Yeah..." You said softly and looked down. "What did you want?"

"You want to walk with me?"

You shrugged your shoulders as he started toward the docks you walked beside him.

"It's beautiful here." You said watch the fading sun cast bright orange and yellows over the water.

"Not as beautiful as you," Alfred said quietly, "nothing can be as beautiful as you."

You snapped your head around unsure if what he said was real or not. He looked at you a dark blush covering his cheeks.

"I'm not really sure how to say this but I saw your sketches of me...I didn't think you liked me...You don't do you, Mattie's the one you like."

"No, I-I do like you."

He looked shocked but slowly started smiling. "I know I shouldn't say I love cause I don't know you well enough yet but that the only thing I could say to tell you how much you mean to me. I'm glad you like me and I want you to be my girlfriend."

You smiled shyly, "I would like that."  

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