Prussia x Cancer! Child! Reader

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  You found it hard to understand why you had to see so many doctors or why you were losing your hair.
"Daddy? Am I sick?" You asked one night.
"Mien avesome daughters not sick." He said hugging you tight. "Jour fine."
No matter how much he tried to convince you, you know you were sick and it must be bad, why else would your daddy be so sad.
For your dad's sake you pretended to believe him and didn't question it further.
"Daddy, vill mien hair grov back?
"Ja, of course. Just like a baby bird you lose zhere feathers for new ones."
"Oh so I'm like a baby bird. Do I get to learn to fly too?"
He hesitated to answer. "Ja...someday soon."
One day you heard a doctor talking to your dad.
"There's nothing further we can do. Take her home and let her live out her last days there." The doctor said.
"She's strong enough. She vill get better." Your dad said angrily.
After that day you felt horrible. You never wanted to get out of bed and when you did you were to weak to stand on your own.
One night your dad came to check on you.
"Daddy...can jou stay vith me? I don't want to be alone."
"Ja..." He knelt beside your bed.
"Daddy vhen can I learn to fly like a bird."
"Vhen jour ready." He said. You heard in his voice he was choking back tears.
"Vill jou fly vith me, daddy?"
"Nien, baby bird have to leave the nest and fly."
"I'm scared daddy. Vhat if-"
"Jou'll be fine birdie. Jou'll be zhe most beautiful bird flying in zhe sky." You saw the tears he tried to hide.
"Ich liebe dich, daddy." You said taking his hand and closed your eyes.
"Ich liebe dich, little birdie." You heard before everything fell silent.  

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