Russia x Dead! Child! Reader

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  Your death was inevitable, from the day you were born you were already on the brink of death but fought it all the way.
The day of your death
You laid in your bed your dad kneeling beside you.
"(Your name)?"
He kissed your forehead.
"Giving up doesn't mean your weak, just that your strong enough to know when you're been defeated." A tear slid down his check but he quickly whipped it away.
"I'" Your voice slowly faded as you fell into eternal slumber.

Several days later
Ivan looked over his little girl in a casket. He was the last one remaining in the funeral home. Tomorrow was the day they would lay you in the ground. A million and one thoughts crossed his mind. Memories, things that could be different, he thought about stealing your body just so he could see your face everyday.
"Yo, Ivan, dude." Alfred said softly. "I figured you'd still be here." He sat down beside Ivan.
"My sunflower..."
Alfred handed him a flask of vodka.
"I think you need this. Come on we can come back tomorrow."
That night at home Ivan found himself in your room drink yet another bottle of vodka.
Out of the corner of his eye he thought he caught a glimpse of his sunflower in the doorway. He looked you weren't there. He stumbled into the hall and saw you run down the stairs he followed.
"(Your name)!?" He called in a slurred voice.
He searched high and low but you were nowhere to be found.
"My baby..." He said before passing out holding a picture of you surrounded by sunflowers.
The next day he watched the casket holding your body lower into the ground. Little by little everyone left except Ivan. It was now pitch black outside. He stood there drink the last swell of his vodka.
He felt a small hand take his then left. He caught a glimpse of you running away. He followed the glimmer of light.
"(Your name)!?"
You stopped and looked back at your daddy. Younger kids surrounding you.
You smiled at your daddy.
"Bye bye daddy. I love you." You ran with the other kids and disappeared.
Ivan fell to his knees. "Bye bye, my little sunflower."  

Hetalia x  ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang