France x Child! Reader

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Warning: those who are weak hearted don't read this everyone else get some tissues and chocolate, lots of chocolate.

~Flash back~

"Mommy, poppy." A cute (hair color) haired girl ran up to Francis and Joan.

"Good morning my sweet." Joan said. She kissed her little girl/boy.

"Good morning. I had the best dream."

Francis just smiled as he listened to his little tell what she had dreamed about. How did he come to have such a perfect family?

~End Flash back~

Francis walked along a road in the dead of the night. The rain beating down on him, hiding the tears. How did it come to this?  Where did it all go wrong? Why them? Why not him? Just why?

~Flash back~

"Joan of the Ark must die." Arther called out to Francis who was being held back by English soldiers. "Killing her is only business." He continued as he lite the wooden stake on fire. "But killing (your name) that's personal." He lite the wooden stake you were tired to on fire.

"Daddy!" You cried out.

Your mother struggled to get down and save you.

Francis fought all he could to no avail.

~End Flash back~

Francis stood looking over to graves one reading:  Joan Bonnefoi of ark 1412-1431

The other:   (your name) Bonnefoi 1424-1431

His wife and baby girl/boy taken away from him. How could this have happened? How could he let this happen? How could he ever forgive himself? Does he want to be forgiven? This is his fault. His perfect family is gone. 

Hetalia x  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now