Prussia x Lost! Orphan! Child! Reader

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  The one think standing in your way of freedom in this stupid wall. Your parents were killed trying to get over it you manage to escape they're fate. There last words were, get over the wall, get to freedom.
You found yourself lost, cold, and hungry.
You were crying almost to the point of making yourself sick.
"Vhat are jou doing here?" A harsh voice asked.
You let out a small scream. "P-please..don't..k-kill me." You said sobbing.
The soldier knelt to your level. His red eyes grabbed your attention right away.
"Stop crying. Zhe avesomeness zhat is me von't hurt jou." He whipped away the tears with a gloved hand.
He look at the wall just behind him then looked back at you.
"I'll get jou on zhe ozher side."
You looked at him surprised. Any soldier found smuggling people to the west was to be killed on spot. They had orders to kill anybody who tried to escape.
He lifted you up and started carrying you towards the wall were nobody was guarding it.
"Vhy? Jour a soldier, vhy vould jou help me?"
"I am a soldier and mien bruder is on zhe ozher side of zhat vall."
He stopped at the wall and dug through his pockets, he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and a small pencil. He quickly scribbled something down.
"Jou take zhis give it to mien bruder, Ludwig."
As he lifted you up over the wall as other soldiers approached.
"Jour name? Vhat jour name?" You asked not knowing of the danger that approaches.
"Zhe avesome Gilbert."
"Come vith me Gilbert."
"I can't. I have more to save. Nov go."
It was that moment you noticed the other soldiers. You jumped down to the safety of west Germany as gun shots went off. Several soldiers from the west approached you.
"Jou ok, young lady."
Tears flooded your eyes realizing Gilbert risked his life for yours.
"I have to find Ludwig." You said more to yourself.
"I'm Ludwig." One soldier said.
He didn't look like Gilbert his eyes were very blue.
"Do jou have a bruder named zhe avesome Gilbert?"
You handed him the crumpled paper tears streaming your face. "He...really vas avesome."
Ludwig read the page out loud. "If jour reading zhis zhen I'm dead and I saved zhis little girl so take care of her and see to it this damn vall falls."  

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