Canada x Very Suicidal! Child Reader

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  "Make this horrible empty feeling go away."
Cutting, strangulation, drowned, overdose, jumping off a bridge, oh you tried it all which is why you are in a mental ward.
Doctors say your good enough to be released now. You are being placed in a foster home since your parents gave you up. I guess they didn't want a sick child, not that they wanted you to start with.
You had finished packing and sat on your bed and waited it wasn't long before a blond haired man came into your room.
"Hi (your name)."
You didn't answer him but he continued to smile.
"Are you ready to go?"
You grabbed your bag a jumped off your bed.
He offered you his hand but you walked passed him.
One thought crossed your mind, "how can I die when I get there."
Truth was you weren't better at all but pulled one hell of an act to get out of here.
He pulled in the driveway to your temporary home. It was beautiful, your room was fit for a princess and cute little Kumujiro who followed you around...none of it made you change your mind.
"What is the point of living if no one knows or cares that your there."
You walked in to the bathroom looking for some pills to overdose on but found none, no razor blades either.
"A knife...yeah that will do."
Kumujiro waited for you outside the bathroom door.
"Are you going to try and hurt yourself?" He asked.
You said nothing.
"Come with me." You followed him back to your room.
He sat up on your bed, you sat beside him.
"I'll tell you a secret. The guy in the kitchen..."
"Yeah, he has scars on his arms just like you do."
"But he seems so..." You couldn't find the word.
"He's good at faking that smile."
Kumujiro jumped down and started for the stairs.
"Dinners ready."
You slowly made your way down stairs.
"Is it true? Why? Why did he hurting himself?"
Your own plans of suicide on hold. On your way to the kitchen you glanced in the living room.
On the wall were two pictures of the same boy in one an older man was holding a violet eyed boy and he was smiled happily. The other was a different man and another little boy but the violet eyed boy didn't look so happy with them.
"I was taken away from my papa when I was your age. I didn't some bad things to myself because my new dad a brother didn't see me."
You looked at him tears starting to well up.
He got down to your level. "I'll make sure that doesn't happen to you." He said smiling.
That had to be the kindest thing anyone ever said to you.
You hugged him and cried into his shoulder.
Kumujiro came over, Mattie let him in on the hug too.
"We are one happy family." Kumujiro said.  

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