Nordic x Baby! Iceland x Child! Reader

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  You were used to being the baby of the family but when Lukas brought a baby boy home you were jealous to say the least.
You clung to Lukas' legs as he held Emil.
"Mathias can you get (your name) off my legs. I can't walk."
Mathias picked you up but you just cried. "Bruber!" You said reach for Lukas but he walked upstairs out of your sight.
"Hey it's ok." Mathias said.
You laid your head against his shoulder. "Bruber."
"She wants Lukas." Tino said sadly. "But he's so busy with Emil."
Berwald took you from Mathias.
"Nap time." He said as he carried you upstairs. You passed Lukas you reached out to him but he didn't notice.
Berwald laid you down and covered you up.
You laid there starring up at the glowing stars on your ceiling.
You heard someone walk in you looked over at the door and saw Lukas with your sippy cup.
"Here you go." You took the cup.
"Tank you." He started to walk way.
You sat up. "Huggy n kissy." You said.
He turned around and hugged you tight and kissed your cheek.
"I love you." He said.
"Wove you too."
"Hey what about us?" Mathias asked. Him, Berwald and Tino stood in the door way."
You smiled. "I wove you too."
You laid back down with your cup as your brothers left.
You got out of bed and went to Emil's room next to yours. You climbed over the rail of his crib and laid down beside him and kissed his cheek.
"Gud night baby bruber." You fell asleep next to him.  

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