Pirate! Prussia x Child! Reader

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  Your mother was a bar fly and you had no dad. Your mother didn't want you in the slightest so often you were locked in a room upstairs. Out of sight, out of mind. 

You sat in the dark listening to the noise coming from below you.

It started up the stairs.

"Pirates!!!" Someone shouts.

"Pirates!!?? Oh stay quiet maybe they won't find me."

The door slammed open and you stared into the red eyes. That you were familiar with.

"Gilbert!" You said happily.

Many nights you had escaped your mother. Gilbert found you one particular night after that you always found a way to see him.

He shut the door behind him. He looked confused.

"Vhat are jou doing here?"

"I live here, silly. But we have to go pirates are in the building."

You attempted to stand up but fell. You lacked strength, you were still recovering from your last betting.

"Or not you can leave me here if I'm quite no pirate will find me."

Gilbert looked so unsure of himself which wasn't the overly confident man you knew.

"What's wrong Gilbert?"

"Captain?" A voice called from behind the door

"Almost done here." Gilbert called back.

It hit you like a ton of bricks your friend was a pirate.

You tried to cower away but he walked up to you and placed his hand on your cheek.

"I von't hurt jou und I von't lit zhem touch jou. I promise."

He picked you up and walked out of the room. Scary looking men with swords stood outside the door.

"The girls what you've been looking for." One man said bitterly.

Gilbert quickly put the tip of his sword to the man's neck.

"Zhis girl is mien daughter und jou vill shov her respect unless jou vant to die."


You smiled sweetly at Gilbert.

"Ve're going home." He said to you.

"Ok, papa."  

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