Australia x Child! Reader x New Zealand

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  You absolutely without a doubt loved (whatever your obsession is). From the time you got up till the time you went to bed heck you even dreamt about it, you eat, breath, and lived for it. Unfortunately for you your parents didn't share your love for (obsession). In fact they were tiered of it and found it was unhealthy for you so one night as you dreamt about (obsession) your parents went around the house getting rid of anything that looked, smelt, resembled (obsession). They knew they had to replace it with something.
The next morning you wake up only to find horror around every turn.
"AHHHH!!! IT'S GONE! Where!?" You shouted large tears rolling down your face.
You panicked frantically searching.
"What's wrong? What are you looking for?" Your daddy asked.
"(Obsession)! It's gone!"
"(Your name) you don't need (obsession)." Your papa said in a calm voice.
"I need it!" You said grabbing a hold of his shirt. "I gotta have it or I'll die! Help me find it!" You fell to the floor at his feet.
Your papa looked up at your dad with a worried look.
"It's for the best." Your dad said. "(Your name) there's more things then just (obsession). Why don't you help us make breakfast?" Your dad said cheerful.
"No no no I want (obsession)!"
He sighed in defeat. "When ever your done throwing your fit come join us in the kitchen."
Your parents walked into the kitchen.
Your papa opened his mouth to say something.
"I know what your going to say abd yes we have to go through with this." He placed his had on his lovers cheek. "She's young she'll get over it and when she does we will have our little girl back before this nuisance came into our lives."
"Your right." Your papa said holding your dad's hand to his cheek.
You walked in your eyes puffy and red from crying. "Can I have a hug?" You asked, something you haven't done since (obsession) became your life.
"Of course." Your papa said holding out his arms to you.
You ran up and hugged him your daddy taking both of you in his arms.
"There's my little girl." He said softly.  

Hetalia x  ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant