Punk! Prussia x Geek! Reader

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  Using your middle finger to push your glasses back on your face you continued reading (favorite book). The sun was burning brightly above you as you sat outside on a bench since it was study hall and you had nothing to do. You were an all A student most of the time others would come to you for help with homework and you were more than happy to help in any way.

"Hey (your name)." A familiar voice said.

You looked up at Gilbert, local punk and seriously bad in every subject. Not to mention your crush, yeah you fell for him, was it because he always seemed happy or was it the danger of being a punk and always doing what you were too afraid to.

"Hi, Gil. Do you need something?" You said smiling.

"Ja, kinda."

You couldn't help but notice he was nervous and lacked the confidence he all was had.

"Something tells me this isn't about classes, am I right?" You said closing your book and removing your glasses you used for reading.

Gilbert sat down next to you. You turned slightly to face him when you noticed his friends nearby watching. Suddenly without warning Gilbert slammed his lips on yours. One of his hands was behind your head gripping your hair softly. You tried to pull way but he was stronger than you. It dawned on you what was going on his friend set him up to do this. Pick on the geek and mess with her feelings. You finally broke away from him and ran as fast as you could still hearing his friend cheering in the distance.

Tears blurred your vision as you ran but not sure where to. You were running down an empty hallway when suddenly someone grabbed your arm and pulled you into an empty classroom. Strong arms held you in the darkness. You felt someone fingers in your hair just like Gilbert was going moments ago. The familiar smell of cheap cigarettes and beer made you realize who was holding you.

"Let me go, Gil!" You said struggling to get free.

He held you tighter, "Nien."

"God damn it, Gil, let me go!"

"Nien, ich don't care if jou hate me. I vant to hold jou like zhis."

You froze at his word. The schools punk with more piercings than most of the girl in school combine, the one who would cuss out teachers for no obvious reason, your crush telling you he wants to hold you...

"I-I don't...hate you." He loosened his grip but never let go, "it not fair to mess with me like that, just because your friends but you up to it." You voice growing with anger.

"Es tut mir leid. zhey found out zhat...Ich liebe dich und dared me to kiss jou."

Knowing a little bit of german you understood he just confessed he loved you. Words failed you at that moment you didn't want him to think you didn't love him back so you leaned into his chest listening to his heart beat rapidly.

"(your name)?"

"Yeah?" You said in a hushed tone.

"Vill jou be meine Freundin?"

"You really want some geek like me as your girlfriend."

"If jou don't mind having a punk for a freund."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"So ich can kiss jou again, right?"

"Ja." You said softly.

He hooked his finger under your chin making you look at him, "ich liebe dich," he whispered against your lips before kissing you passionately.  

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