2p! Canada x Child! Reader

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  "Yay hunting with big brother." You said as you jumped up and down. This is the first time Matt is letting you go hunting with him.
"Just stay with me." Matt growled unhappily.
"What's the matter, Matt? Don't you want me to come?"
"No I wish you would stay home. It's dangerous out here."
"You worry too much, brother. I'll be fine as long as you're with me." You smiled up at Matt.
He ruffled your hair. "Just stay where I can see you."
About an hour later you both sat in silence. Matt watching for moose while you sat behind him making a grass crown.
"Brother I'm going to go pick some more flowers, ok."
"Go ahead."
You ran off to a clearing in front of Matt. You looked back and waved so he knew you were there. You started picking all the (favorite color) flowers you could find. A small sound caught your attention. A baby bear all alone by the river. "Aww what a cutie." You said. You ran towards it.
"(Your name) get back here." Matt yelled after you.
It all happened so fast a blur of brown fur, you screaming for Matt, a gun shot, then nothing.
You had your eyes shut and your arms held over your face. Something suddenly grabbed you.
"Matt!!" You yelled.
"I'm right here." He said softly.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you." You cried.
Matt whipped away a few tears. "Doesn't matter now. Let's just get you home."  
"I'm sorry. I wouldn't go hunting with you anymore."
"I told you it was dangerous... you don't have to cry anymore. Even if you want to come with me again you'll be safe if you stay close to me, got it."
"I understand, brother."

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