2p! Axis x Child! Raeder

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  You stood up on a wooden crate only a sheet wrapped around you as you are auctioned off. This wasn't the first time you were being sold off on the black market. As the auction went on you maintained eye contact with a certain buyer. You noted that when he called out a bid he had an Italian accent.

Finally you heard the auctioneer call out, "sold to the Italian man."

You were the last to sell you and several others. All were men and women you were the only child to be sold to the Italian man.

"Lutz, load them up but the child stays with me."

"Didn't know you had a thing from little girls." The german man said but was met with a slap of a leather glove. You flinched knowing what it was like to be hit like that.

"He can't do any worst to me then what I've been through so far."

"Don't mind him, my dear. Come this way."

He got into the cab of a small semi truck that only sat three.

He placed you on his lap as the other man climb in.

"What's with the girl?" The Japanese man behind the wheel asked.

"Personal reasons."

You looked to Lutz but he said nothing.

"What is your name, bella?"

"Whatever you want to call me."

"Hm, interesting. What is a name befitting you, my dear?" He thought for a moment. "(Your name), that's what I'll call you."

"(Your name)...I like it."

The truck stopped suddenly. You looked out the window to see to was pitch black outside and the only lights came from a mansion in front of the truck.

"Kuro, take (your name) to her room." He told the Japanese man.

"I'll be there soon." He said sweetly to you.

You followed Kuro to a room fit for royalty. He left without a word.

"It's almost like...he was expecting me."

You searched the room in the drawer you found a nightgown and quickly changed. The closet filled with dresses be fitting a princess. A jewelry box, hair brush and clips along with a little bit of makeup sat in front of a mirror.

"Do you like your new room?"

"Yes it's beautiful, thank you."

He sat down on the bed. "Come here."

You walk over to him.

"Do you know why your here?"

You had been asked the same question in the past and knew the answer well.

"I am here to obey my masters orders."

He looked at you less than pleased.

"You've been told that in the past I'm sure but it's not why I bought you." He touch your cheek. "I won't be around forever and I need someone to carry on what I started...that's why your here. From now on I'm dad do you understand."

"I understand, dad."

"Good girl. In bed with you."

He tucked you into bed.

"Good night, dad."

"Night, (your name)."

Several months later

"I'm I doing this right daddy."

"Perfect, my dear. Soon well have enough of our secret ingredient to make pasta sauce."

Hetalia x  ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora