Nyo-England x Child! Reader

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  "Wake up it's 7 am already." Your sister said throwing open the curtains.
You groaned and threw the blankets over your head.
Your sister ripped the blankets away.
"Get up and dressed young lady. Make sure you make your bed and brush your teeth. If I come back and your still in be-"
"I know your going to ground me." You said cutting her off. She left closing the door behind you.
You sat up rubbing your eyes.
"Too early."
You dragged your feet to your closet. You grabbed your favorite dress. You quickly made your bed and hurried to brush your teeth.
"(Your name)!"
"I'm coming, Alice." You said annoyed by your older sister.
You walked into the kitchen and made yourself toast.
"Is that all your eating?"
"No your not and that dress is too short on you. Your not leaving the house with that on."
"Go change and I'll make you breakfast."
You stormed up stairs and changed your clothes.
"Too short she says not enough for breakfast she says AHHH!!!"
You what back down stairs. Scones and fresh fruit laid out on the table.
"Hurry and eat. Don't forget to drink your milk. You want your boobs to grow don't you."
"ALICE!!" You shouted embarrassed she even said that.
You quickly eat and ran to brush your teeth again.
Your sister stood at the door with your backpack. She kissed your cheek.
"Do your best at school. Love you."
"Yeah, love you too." You said before running off to the bus.
"Strict, yes. Embarrassing, without a doubt. I love my sister so much."  

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