Germany x Jewish! Child! Reader

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*Somewhere in Germany*


  Your parents had already been taken away to the camps, luckily you had managed to slip out the back door and was spared your parents fate. Now you were left to wonder the streets alone. You spend most of your time hiding in abandoned buildings, if you were ever in the streets when Nazi soldier were nearby you would lay among to many bodies in the streets and held your breath till they were out of site. If you were lucky enough some American soldiers would give you food but not to often did that happen.

        The rain came pouring down that one night. You had found yourself in an old long forgotten building hiding in a cabinet just to be safe from being spotted. You were on the brink of sleep when from in the darkness of night you heard shouts in both German and American, gun shots and heavy boots running away. You held your breath listen for a while to the fight out in the streets. Time felt like it moved so slowly but finally it had died down. After a long silence you figure it safe to come out of hiding a move to a different building. You ran into the night only to trip over something. A low grown came from the thing you tripped over. You look back to see a man in a German uniform laying on the ground. You stumble to your feet and started running away.

"Vait please, help me." The man said.

You stop and look back cautiously.

"Help jou vith vhat?"

"I'm hurt. Please."

You stood there frozen as you stare back into the eyes of the enemy. 

You look around but see nobody else. You take a few careful steps toward him and finally see the blood coming from a wound on his leg. 

"Vhy should I trust jou! Zhis is a trap!" 

"Nein...nein trap...please...I...don't want to die."

You slowly walk towards him looking in every direction for soldiers. You kneel at his side. You remembered when you had a boo boo your mom always put a bandage on it but that won't help here.

"I...I don't knov vhat to do." You tell him honestly.

"Jou have to stop zhe bleeding." The man tells you.

"Ok, be right back."

      You run back into the building looking for something like cloth to cover his wounds. You ran from room to room and finally came across a bundle of old sheets. You ripped off what you thought you needed and ran back to him. His eyes were closed. You got scared that he was dead. You place your head on his chest and still hear his heart beating. You wrap the cloth around the wound on his leg you tied it and pulled it tight as you did he screamed out. He instantly sat up and you jump back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The rain hid your tears.

"It's ok. Ve got to get out of zhe rain."

"Zhere's a building over zhere." You pointed to the building you just came from hidden behind the trees. 

"Let's go zhere zhen." He started to get up you ran over to help him.

You helped him as he dragged his bad leg through the trees.Once inside he sat beside the broken door.

"Vhat's jour name, girl/boy?"

"(Your name), vhat's jours."


"Vhere are jour parents."

You stay quite, both sadness and anger running through your vains.

"Gone." You said. "Your kind took them away."

Ludwig stayed quite after that. He looked down at his hands in his lap.

"Es tut mir leid." (I'm sorry)

You let the silent tears fall as you stare at him.

"Zhere should be more people like jou fighting zhis var. If everyone cared like jou no one vould die. Jou could have left me zhere to die but jou didn't. I lost mien bruder to zhis var."

You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you back making no attempt to hide his tears.

"Zhis var vill end someday." You said trying to comfort both him and yourself. "Vhen zhe rain let's up ve'll find a doctor to fix jou up. Zhen jou can go home."

He pulled away to look at you.

"Und jou'll come vith me."

"Aren't jou going to take me the the death camps."

"Nein, a good girl like jou doesn't have to die." He hugged you again.

"Ve'll leave together."  

     The next morning as you slept in Ludwig's arms other German soldiers came. There was no chance to run away. Betrayal was all you felt Ludwig lied to you. How could you be so stupid? You were thrown into a death camp. Three days of hell and you began to think horrible thoughts that no child should ever think. You learned from other people there that both your parents are dead. 

      Late into the night you heard shouts, gun fire, and heavy boots coming towards you and the others in your room. You and the other girls huddled in the corner. It was over for all of you, as the footsteps stopped outside your door. The door opened to three American soldiers.

"Freedom has arrived." One of them said.

    You along with so many others walked out of there. As you and others walked the dirt road to freedom and figure leaning on crutches caught your attention. The figure of a tall man with blond hair and stunning blue eyes came into your vision. 

"Ludwig?" You said. You were both happy and anger at him.

"(Your name)! Ich found jou!" He said.

You started crying tears of joy and sadness.

"Jou let zhem take me!"

"Nein! I..."

Before he could finish you ran to him.

"Z-zhere dead."


"Mommy and daddy."

He hugged you a little tighter. "Ich vas so scared but it's ok nov, jour here."
"Ja, I'm here, Ich von't let anyone take jou avay again, I promise."

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