Bully! BTT x Male! Reader (Spain's Ending)

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  You hide your face with your hoodie not wanting a certain group to see you. They found your sketchbook and found out about your crush on the three of them now it was hell on you. You had become a personal toy to them, a slave if you will. Whatever they wanted, you would do it, to keep from others finding out.

"What the hell do I do...run? No where would I go with no money...then again no one would care mom's to drunk to notice I'm alive and if she does I just get the shit beaten out of me, dad's never home, and it's not like I have a lot of friends... rather no friends at all. Nobody would care."

As you sat there work out the details a certain Spanish hottie walked in and practical pulled you out of your chair and out into the hallway just as the last bell rang. His friends were there waiting for you.

Gilbert suddenly slammed you into the lockers. Your hoodie clenched in his fist.

"Gil..." Antonio grabbed his friends arm. " I know you want a fight bu-"

Before he could finish, "let him it's not like I get enough beatings at home or anything. I'm use to it."

All three of them looked at you in disbelief. Gilbert loosened his grip on you.

"What your not going to do anything? My mom has more balls then you she's not afraid to hit me but you are." You stood there waiting for a response but no nothing but silence.

"Whatever..." You said walking away. Your destination, home. Cause why the hell not.

You walked thou it was a long ways. You were in no big hurry and you didn't want to return to class.

All was quite till the sound of footsteps running full speed coming from behind you and without warning a body slammed into your back and two strong arms held you in place. You didn't have a chance to fight back or struggle.

"Don't go home!"


"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again! I promise!"

"What the hell!? Is he really talk to me? Why?"

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep! All you and your friends do is hurt me!" You were suddenly spun around and met with a pair of lips. One hand was on your lower back the other in your hair giving you very little chance to fight back.

He pulled away and placed his forehead on yours. "I won't let you go till you believe me. I was always trying to protect you from my friend's and I will protect you from whom ever hurts you from this moment on. Just tell me your mine."

"He did stop Gilbert from hitting me and before he saved me from Francis flirting with me..........."

"I......am yours."  

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