Hamdan pressed his eyelids with his fingers. "Then why am I here?"

"Because you did not listen when your uncle tried to talk some sense into you," Sheikh Mohammed leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk. "Hamdan, nothing can happen between you and her."

"I think I'm old enough to make that kind of decision by myself."

"And the fact that she rides for your stables..." The emir continued, ignoring his son's remark. "That's completely reckless."

Hamdan hung his head, wondering if discussing the matter whit his father was even worth it.

"Son, your brothers and sisters look up to you, our people look up to you, especially the young ones. It's vital that you set an example for them," Sheikh Mohammed rose to his feet and walked to the window with his hands clasped behind on his back. "A lot of sacrifices have been made in order to achieve the goals and dreams your grandfather and Sheikh Zayed initiated."

Hamdan eyed the two portraits of the men his father was talking about hanging on the wall in front of him.

The emir continued. "And we keep working hard every day to accomplish them. But tradition is something that must remain untouched. It is what makes us who we are, it's the most valuable heritage we got from our ancestors," he turned to face his son again. "We Emiratis are already outnumbered by a ratio of nine to one by foreigners, in our own country. And even though we welcome people from all over the world with open arms... what's going to happen to our culture if we don't go out of our way to preserve it?"

"So, what do you suggest? An arranged marriage for the Crown Prince? We already tried that once and I'm sure you haven't forgotten what happened."

"No, I haven't but I'm still hopeful that you will come around and do what's right."

Hamdan shook his head. "I won't do it. It's not for me."

"You are an Emirati. So yes, it is for you."

There was a knock on the door. Sheikh Mohammed grabbed his cellphone and closed the laptop on his desk.

"You're leaving?" Hamdan asked with wide open eyes.

"I have a busy morning and so do you," his father replied, walking towards the door.

Hamdan got up. "But I'm not done talking about this."

The emir stopped, his hand on the door handle. "There's nothing left to discuss. Put an end to it and find her another stable to ride for."

Hamdan was left alone in the sumptuous office, he clutched his hands into fits, fingernails biting into his palms. Another decision made by someone else, but just like his failed engagement, he was not caving in. Ending things with Sarah was completely off the table. It had to work but he was the only one utterly convinced that he and Sarah were meant to be. He could give up everything and not look back just as long as she was there, next to him.

If only he could make her see.

The buzzing of his phone made him relax his fists. It was a text from Sarah. He plopped back onto the chair when he read it.

Hey! Can't wait for tonight!


Sarah's voice echoing through the foyer made him come downstairs with a cheerful heart. She was leaning against the round table, holding her phone up to the ear. She had a black blazer on, paired with jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Yes, dad," Sarah said, raising her eyebrows at him.

Hamdan could not wait anymore, so he encircled his arms around her and purposely started tickling her neck with his beard.

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