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Chapter Twenty-Five: Destruction

Jeff drove away as Lydia walked into her home. It was around three in the morning and all she wanted to do was sleep.

She was taken aback by all the people in the trailer. Allison and Eli were on her bed and Jacob and Danny were at the table. Natalie was at the sink washing her hands.

"Lydia," Jacob said and stood up. He grabbed his sister and pulled her into a hug. Lydia sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, Jake," Lydia murmured and rubbed his back.

Elias jumped off of the bed and ran towards his siblings. Lydia opened her arms for the smaller Martin to join.

"Two girls came and brought your bags," Elias told her and held her a little tighter. "But Mom...she took them."

Lydia glanced up and looked around. She didn't see her duffle bag in sight. The three siblings slowly let go of each other and Allison gave her a sad look.

"Where's my stuff?" Lydia questioned.

"You're not getting those things back," Natalie said and sniffled. She dried her hands and looked up at her daughter.


"Drop it Lydia," Natalie said.

"Those are my things," Lydia said. "You can't just take them."

"Yes!" Natalie snapped. "I can! Because I'm your mother!"

"But I bought those with my money! Something that we're lacking right now. You can't just throw those away! It'd be a waste, Mom," Lydia pressed.

"But spraying pointless shit all around town isn't wasting money? Having your father use five grand to bail you out of jail for said things isn't wasting money? — Something that we're lacking right now?" Natalie exploded.

"Mom," Jacob said as a gentle warning. She ignored him.

"You're not getting them back Lydia, and that's final," Natalie told her daughter. "And I forbid you to get more. You're not allowed to do any more destruction as long as you're under my roof."

"Mom!" Lydia whined.

"Mom, why're you being so mean?" Elias asked.

"Shut up Elias!" Natalie yelled.

Elias flinched and Allison picked him up, pulling him closer to her.

"Hey!" Jacob said and took a step towards his mother. Danny stood and touched his arm, a gentle motion to tell him to stop.

"Jacob, go to your room," Natalie sighed. "I've had it."

"You know what?" Jacob laughed. "Fine. Come on, Eli. Let's go to bed." Elias nodded and slowly walked into their room. Jacob kissed Danny on the cheek, whispered "I'm sorry. Text me" and followed Eli into the room.

"Goodnight, Lydia," Danny said awkwardly. "Goodnight Mrs. Martin." He began to walk out of the trailer.

"Wait," Lydia said and glanced at Allison. "Wait for us."

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