Chapter 40. Goodbye.

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Dedicated to TaylorJan13! ^^

Song: "Never Say Never" by The Fray or "Starts With Goodbye" Carrie Underwood

Chapter 40

Mia's POV

Walking into my hotel room, my eyes swollen from crying, I was yet again dismayed when I found Mark sitting on the comfy chair by the corner of the room. He's been in my room too often without my permission, and it annoyed me. And creeped me out. These people with authority were relentless.

Seriously, how did people keep getting into my room? Did they not respect others privacy anymore?

I shut the door behind me and made my way towards the washroom.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I'm not in the mood to-"

"You're fired, Mia." Mark's cold words transmitted a feeling of fright in me. I turned my head to look at him when he rose from the chair. Still in shock, my mouth remained closed, not allowing me to say or ask why. "Did you hear me, Mia? Your bags are at the airport and you have to leave now. I'm sorry but you should have seen this coming."

"What do you mean?" I asked still in disbelief.

"Lindsay told me about your past with Zayn. With much detail."

Lindsay exposed our past to Mark? Why was I not surprised. She was extremely kind when we first met and now she hated me completely because of Zayn. Now that she realized that he had feelings for me and that he was trying to make an effort, she's putting my job on the line. So that I no longer have any reason to see Zayn. Why was it that my feelings for Zayn kept making me enemies?

"But the past--"

"I know," Mark unterruptrd. "I told Lindsay that it didn't matter because it happened so long ago, but then she made a convincing argument when she showed me this."

Mark handed me a large photo, and I was hesitant to look at it, afraid that I would be guilty of something on the picture. My eyes widened in astonishment when I relived the memory of Zayn and I kissing on the highway that night. It was caught right on camera. How did--?

"I'm sorry, Mark. I didn't mean for it to get to the paps," I pleaded.

"Oh no. We're lucky. The paps and Lindsay worked that out. But I'm sorry, Mia. Today's your last day as Zayn's bodyguard." Mark didn't sound the least remorseful when he handed me a rectangular slip of paper. "Here's your plane ticket. Your flight to London leaves at nine."

This was all happening so fast. My ears were still denying to let the words sink in. Lindsay? Picture? When did she get it? How did she get it? Not sure of what to do, my hands reached for the ticket.

This was it. If I took it, I would have to leave Zayn for good. It'd be over between us. For real this time. We'd been given so many chances to be together, but our timing was never right. The first time, he was engaged. Second, he broke my heart in London. The third time in Los Angeles when we met, both of us were at such different points in our lives. I was his bodyguard and he was a solo artist. He was also with Lindsay. And they've made up ... Again.

Just as my fingers touched the plane ticket, the hotel door busted opens. It was Zayn sweating and panting, his expression infuriated and tired at the same time.

People really needed to stop barging in my room like it's a public washroom.

"Zayn." I uttered under my breath as the rugged singer rushed toward us. He grabbed my hand away from the ticket, holding my wrist at my side.

"You can't fire her, Mark. She works for me. And the last time I checked, you also work for me." Zayn growled at his manager who was still in shock of his star's unexpected entrance.

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