Can You Guys Tell Me?

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Hey guys its me That weird author....... And this time I'm not in my usually good mood. So there won't be a chapter today, but instead I need your guys answer to this. Someone got me to stop sending posts in a fnaf group thing on Facebook. All because of me being confused who is the king of fnaf. You guys don't have to answer that king thing. It was usually about who is the king of fnaf Markiplier or Scott. I'm sorry that you guys hate me now all because of the king thing. I was so confused that it caused another person to make other people to hate me. So I got myself out of the group and asked a friend of mine who was still in the group to send that person a message for me and the people of the group. It was supposed to be a fun thing, but that person took it too far. So I'll see you guys later. Go and enjoy life my fellow readers.


That weird author......

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