Hey Brother!!

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Baby shook her head and walked out of the room thinking 'Why does she look so right in that outfit?!' Baby walked out of the room and bumped into Ennard.

Ennard raised an eyebrow and asked "Well what do we have here?"

Baby looked up at Ennard and said "Ennard."

Ennard tilted his head and said "Yes?"

Baby breathed in and said "I've met your sister."

Ennard smiled and said "Good! Now she has a job to go to!!"

Baby slouched a bit and said "Huh?"

Ennard wrapped his arms around Baby and whispered into Baby's ear "She won't mind me having you."

Baby blushed and pushed Ennard off of her. Ennard stumbled backwards a bit.

Baby said while blushing tomato red "I bet she will! Because she doesn't look like that type to be messing with!!"

Ennard smirked and said "Well of course she doesn't because she doesn't like people at all. She thinks that all people are stupid."

Baby looked down and asked "How much do you love me?"

Ennard looked confused and asked "What do you mean?"

Baby shook her head and said "Sorry. Its just a stupid question."

Ennard pushed Baby into the nearest wall and said "Its not a stupid question. I love you more then anything."

Baby blushed very dark red and fainted. Ennard panicked and caught Baby right before she fallen onto the ground. Cece got out of the changing room and saw her brother.

Cece waved and said "Yo! Bro!"

Ennard waved back and said "Hey Sis!!"

Cece noticed Baby knocked out and asked "Did you knock the poor girl out?!"

Ennard froze and said "No...................."

Cece's eye twitched then she saw that Ennard found a chair and put Baby on it before he ran off with Cece close behind him.

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