Tryouts: The King Role

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The guy went up didn't make the king role. Yenndo went onto the stage and looked at judge.

The judge said with kindness "You may begin."

Yenndo nodded and said "I want you 3 to get me a cup of wine! You 2 go get my beautiful wife!! You 5 go get me the crown jewel!! Also right before I forget I want the general in my courtroom soon!"

The judge clapped and said "Good job Yenndo!"

Yenndo bowed and went off the stage. Ennard walked onto the stage and saw the judge.

The judge said with a smile "You may begin!"

Ennard said with a high voice "I want all of my best servants to clean my gardens!!! If they don't then....!!!!...... Kill them!! " :) Everyone froze. Ennard continued while walking around "I want my wife to meet me in our room! And my brother needs to move out of my castle!! If he doesn't then force him out and kill him!!! Also I want you 7 to go and get me the most finest wine!!! I want to get laid with my wife!" Baby blushed darker then a tomato. Ennard walked up to the judge and said "I need my crown!!!!"

The judge got out of his seat and clapped. Ennard got onto his right knee and bowed.

The judge said with a big smile "You get the role Ennard!!!!"

Ennard said while leaving the stage "Thank you!"

Ennard walked right up to Baby and whispered "You better become my queen~!"

Baby blushed darker then she did before and nodded. Meanwhile Goldie is giving Ennard a with glare. Yenndo is coming up with a plan to get Baby to be all his not Ennard.

Lolbit squeezed Goldie's hand and said "I want to tell you something."

Goldie looked down at Lolbit with a confused look.

Lolbit looked up at Goldie and said "I want you to be the prince!"

Goldie smiled and nodded then he said "Then you have to become the princess~!"

Lolbit blushed and nodded. Goldie smiled and hugged Lolbit in which she returned.

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