Tryouts: Queen Role

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Every guy was wondering if Baby was going to be Princess, but instead they heard her trying out for the queen role. Anna snorted at the thought of Baby playing as queen.

The announcer said while walking around "ALRIGHT TIME FOR THE QUEEN'S ROLE!!!!!!"

All the girls tried to pretty-a-fie themselves, but it didn't work.

Anna said while walking onto the stage "I'll go first!"

The judge said while forcing a smile "Go right on a head Anna...."

Anna walked onto the stage and said while sitting on a thrown "I want someone to bring me the most expensive ring out there~! If you can't then go and execute the store owner!!! I DON'T NEED SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE ONE IN MY KINGDOM!!!!! But I can understand their misery because I too was in the exact same situation as them. Not that I care though. So now I need my husband so that we can make love~!" Ennard gagged at the thought of him and Anna being together for this. Anna continued "Now go!! And kill that man!! Done~!"

The judge said while breathing slowly "You should've have tried out for the maid role."

Anna froze on the spot and wondered what happened.

The judge said while looking away "NEXT!!!!"

Baby breathed in and got onto the stage while Anna was getting off of it.

The judge said while smiling "Go right on a head."

Baby breathed in again and said while taking a cup of tea "General. Its nice of you to join us this evening...... My husband will join us very soon." Ennard walked onto the stage. Everyone froze. Baby blushed and said "And here he is."

Ennard said grabbing Baby's hand "General please sit down. We have very important business to get too."

Baby sat next to Ennard and said "So we have learned that the army is building quite well."

Ennard said while grabbing his cup of tea "The army needs to be strong remember that General. I can't have a weak army."

Baby nodded and said "Also we need our daughter to marry this other kingdom's son. We need this marriage to happen so that this war can stop."

Ennard said while getting "I have to take my leave I have another meeting to get too."

Baby nodded and said "Of course my king."

Ennard smiled and left the stage.

The judge clapped and said "President you get the role. ANNA YOU CAN BE THE PRINCE'S MOTHER!!!!!!!"

Anna cheered in joy. Baby got off the stage and was immediately being hugged by Ennard. She returned it and smiled while thinking 'I'm so happy.'

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