Only Mine

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It was finally after school and Lolbit was walking next to her best friend Ballora. Yeah sure Vixen acted like a big brother to Lolbit, but she loved him more then a stupid brother. Lolbit closed her eyes and thought 'I want Vixen-senpai all to myself!!! Why does that stupid blue haired chick have to ruin everything!!!!!!!'  Ballora looked over at Lolbit and noticed this.

Ballora asked with concern "You ok?"

Lolbit nodded without care and said "I'm going to kill that blue chick......"

Ballora smiled and asked "Want some help?"

Lolbit nodded and said "Please?"

Fred was walking home and saw the girls walking next to each other and ran up to them. Fred said with a smile "Hey guys I've heard Baby's older Brother will here!!!!"

Ballora looked over at Fred and asked "When will he be here?!"

Fred said while running up to them "Tomorrow!!"

Both froze and looked at each other. Ballora turned away and thought 'I can now get Golden-senpai to notice me!!!!'

Lolbit looked at Ballora then to Fred and asked "At what time will he be here?"

Fred said with a wider smile "Him and his friends will be going to our school!!!"

Lolbit nodded slowly and realized so will Vixen's brother be going to their school. Lolbit said while turning to Ballora "Ballora! Who is your sibling?!"

Ballora said while blushing at the thought of her being with Goldie "Minireena."

Lolbit nodded and looked at Fred and said "Who is your brother?"

Fred said while putting a finger to his chin "Freddy."

Lolbit nodded and sighed. She knew that Vixen's brother has a girlfriend. She doesn't look like his type, but she is. She has that scary vibe every single time she smiles with a knife in her hand. It scares Lolbit to no end. She even had nightmares of Vixen's brother's girlfriend killing her. It was a scary dream. Lolbit looked a head and started walking away. Ballora stood there next to a blushing Fred. Lolbit looked around at everything until she tripped over a rock. She was about to fall until she was caught by someone. She looked up and saw Goldie standing there..... Holding her in one arm. Lolbit stayed there frozen.

Goldie asked while helping Lolbit stand up "You alright?"

Lolbit nodded and watched Goldie walk by. Lolbit blushed and shook her head then thought 'I can't be in love with Goldie!!!! Or am I......?' Lolbit brushed off the thought and continued to walk to her home wondering about how can she get Vixen to be her's.


Should Lolbit be with Goldie? It would help if you guys answer thank you!!

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