Cece's First Day At School

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Baby was walking to the gate of the school when she heard:

"Yo! Baby!"

Baby turned her head to see Cece running towards her. The uniform was red so it looked beautiful on Cece. Baby smiled and waved at Cece.

Cece playfully punched Baby's shoulder and said "Don't be scared! Its just me!"

Baby nodded and said "Sorry. I was just thinking."

Cece raised an eyebrow and asked "About what?"

Baby was about to speak until both, Baby and Cece, heard:


Baby turned her head and saw Ballora and Lolbit running towards her. They jumped onto her causing her to fall with them. Cece looked down at the three and thought 'What the f**k?'

Ballora said while getting off of Baby "Sorry Baby, but we heard news!!!"

Baby raised an eyebrow and asked "What news?"

Lolbit said while kneeling next to her "That the most richest school is coming here!!!"

Cece picked up her head and thought 'It can't be that is it?'

Baby looked confused and asked "Which rich school?"

Lolbit pointed a finger at her chin and said "Merial High."

Baby panicked and dashed to the student council room. Cece had wide eyes as she heard 'Merial High'. Cece clenched her fists and thought 'That stupid school is coming here to get rid of it!! Now I have to warn Baby about this!' Cece walked past Ballora and Lolbit to get to the student council room. When she got there she saw Ennard in there with Baby doing paper work.

Cece walked up to Baby and said "Baby you can't let Merial High come here."

Baby looked up and asked "Why can't I?"

Cece said while sitting in the chair right in front of Baby "Because its too dangerous. Letting them come here and take control over this place will cause destruction."

Baby placed her elbows on her desk and her hands under her chin then said "I'll make sure that these rich kids won't start a commotion, but I want you to be there with me."

Cece nodded and got up then left the room.

Ennard looked at Baby and said "That school only allows males to be the president."

Baby narrowed her eyes and said "I can take them."

Ennard smirked and said "Of course you can, but if you get in trouble I'll be there."

Baby blushed and said "I-I d-d-don't n-need y-y-your h-h-h-help......"

Ennard looked away and said "Right~."

~Meanwhile with Cece~

Cece walked down the hall and bumped into Vixen. Vixen and Cece looked at each other dead in the eyes.

Vixen slightly blushed and said "Sorry about that! I'm Vixen by the way! What's your name?"

Cece looked at Vixen and said "I'm Cece."

Vixen smiled and said "Well I have to get to class see ya!" Vixen walked past Cece and looked behind him to see long braided hair. He had a nose bleed and bumped into a wall. Cece heard a thump and shrugged then continued her way to class.

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