A Play!!

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Baby was going back and forth writing notes to Ennard about shutting up about them kissing. It really got on her nerves, but she did enjoyed it. Lolbit was thinking about what Goldie said about her having a bad ending with Vixen. Fred was talking with Vixen. Ballora was taking quick peaks at Ennard who was reading a note from Baby. The principle came in and saw everyone working.

The principle cleared his throat and said "Class! I have an important announcement! By next month we will have a play here at this school!! Student President Baby will allow this one time for the boys to see girls as who they are!! Please make sure not to ruin anything thank you! Also tryouts are tomorrow!!!!"

The class cheered and all started talking about the play and who they want to be. Baby sighed and felt Ennard kiss her on her lips in front of everyone!!! Everyone in the class stopped and stared. Ennard broke apart and left the classroom. Ballora growled and hit Baby in her stomach. Ennard heard Baby get hurt and turned around to see Ballora hurting Baby. Lolbit got up and tried to drag Ballora away. Goldie got up and kneed Ballora in her stomach. Everything went silent. Lolbit let go of Ballora who kicked her in her stomach. Goldie kicked Ballora in her face and helped Lolbit back up.

When he did he said "Told you so."

Then he picked up Lolbit bridal style and helped her to the clinic. Ennard also picked up Baby and brought her to the student counsel room. Fred and Vixen helped Ballora up and got her into another room.

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