"Where are you?" He wondered. "You just missed one of my best endurance stories."

"Really? Was this one of those stories that only happened in your head?" Sarah teased.

Ghanim let out a heartfelt laugh putting his hand on Hassan's shoulder. "She is on to you!"

Hassan gasped and put his right hand over his heart. "I am completely offended right now."

Sarah chuckled. "I'm joking! I promise. I just... argh, I have a lot of work to do."

After that, she tried to engage more in the conversation but Hamdan was the only thing on her mind. When the race was about to be over, the group got closer to the finish line. Sure enough, they saw Abdullah in the distance and people started cheering for him. The four riders were delighted to see their friend taking the win, but Sarah's smile faded when she recognized the black car driving next to Abdullah.

Of course he's here. This was a mistake.

The crowd started to grow rapidly when Abdullah crossed the finish line and people divided in two groups; one around the rider and another around Hamdan's car. In the midst of the chaos, the girls lost sight of Hassan and Ghanim and Sarah's anxiety kept rising, she desperately wanted to get out of there. So, she held Uma's hand and made her way through the people until she saw Abdullah's back, she reached out and grabbed his arm.

He looked over his body and turned around. "Sarah!"

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Congrats, champ!"

"Thank you so much for being here!"

She moved to the side so Uma could congratulate him as well. As soon as they parted, she leaned into Uma's ear. "I'm leaving."


Sarah nodded.

"Okay. Don't worry about me, I'll find the guys."


"Yeah," replied Uma, planting a kiss on Sarah's cheek.

Sarah squeezed her way out and started marching towards the parking lot. She seemed to hear someone calling her name. Without stopping, she looked around but did not recognize where that was coming from. Again, louder, a sweet voice calling her name. This time she slowed down and then stopped on her tracks to not run over the little boy in front of her.

"Hey, Hammed!" She greeted, running her hand through his hair.

"Hello!" He replied out of breath.

"How are you?"


"Where's your dad?"

He glanced back and pointed. "There."

She looked up and waved at AJ who was talking to another man while keeping an eye on his son.

"Where is Rooster?" Hammed asked.

"He's at home. There's too many people here for me to bring him."

"Oh," the disappointment on his face vanished when he seemed to come up with an idea. "Maybe you can take him to the stables and I'll tell Hamdan to take me there too."

The mention of his name was enough to make her feel restless. "Um, sure... We can do that."

His eyes moved to Sarah's wrist, he reached out and his little fingers began to examine her bracelets.

"Do you like them?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Do you want one?"

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