"What's the project over?" He looked physically drained and I knew the last thing he was worried about right now was a dumb project our literature teacher gave us.

"Well we have to come up with a poem and on our last day of school she's going to show the winning video to the graduates. And plus if we win I can send it in to NYU and they could offer me a scholarship," I beamed towards Harry not trying to hide my excitement.

Harry rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his rough curls. "Callie I don't know."

"Harry, listen we both write. We both write really well. If we combine our talents who knows the opportunities that could come from this!" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me on top of him.

"You are so fucking aggravating, you know?" Harry rolled on top of me now pinning me to the love seat.

"Please promise me you'll try," I gave him the saddest look I could muster up and he kissed me hard, sucking on my bottom lip then biting it.

"Let's go upstairs and finish this shit now and get it over with," Harry left me breathless on the couch as he walked briskly out of the living room and made the wood stairs creak all the way up to my room.

Moments later I recovered and followed in his footsteps going upstairs. Harry was layed on my bed with his head resting on my pillow, eyes closed, chest rising and falling at a slow rhythm, and a pooched out lip telling me he was already fast asleep. Maybe I should let him sleep? He looks so peaceful.

I pulled my top off with my bra and slid on an old T-shirt. Then I put on a pair of new flannel sleep pants. And while Harry slept I wrote things about him in my journal. Physical things I may not have the pleasure of seeing one day, like the curvature of his collarbones or the sharpness of his shoulders. Then the emotional pangs filled my chest and I wrote everything down from the first time I met him to right now, a whole eight months, and only four of them being together as a couple.

Four months didn't seem like a long time. Especially after the pace I fell in love. No wonder Harry thinks I'm crazy. I didn't mean to fall in love. I didn't particularly want to. It just freaking happened. I had hated his guts at one time, but there were moments that I couldn't stop wanting more from him. All of the sudden I would be craving his attention and lusting for him. Then, all I would want to do was talk to him like a friend. And that's when our relationship started.

I don't know why he gave us a chance. I don't think I'll ever know. But he hopefully saw me loving him with a hurting heart just like his and I was ready to fall in love whether I knew it or not. I know now. It's a painful experience, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I curled into his torso and rested my head on his chest. He wriggled underneath me and I cursed at myself silently.

"Shit," Harry mumbled with sleep laced on his voice and grabbed my arm thoughtfully. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Go to sleep," I kissed his chest and ran my hand across his stomach cuddling into him more.

"Goodnight love," Harry kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back.

"Goodnight. I love you and welcome home."

"Kids, kids," we had a senior class meeting held in the theater the next morning. "Quiet down!"

I sat in between Harry and Daphne. Alex said she didn't feel well enough to go to school this morning so she stayed at home. She's already missed so many days, I can't imagine how she can graduate.

"What are we here for?" Harry leaned in and asked me.

"Caps and gowns when we graduate," I took my cell phone out and began playing Candy Crush, a game I was newly addicted to thanks to the caused boredom from my absentee boyfriend.

The Unlikable (Book One) // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now