He placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Good. Then I've done something right with my life."

They rested in each other's arms for a few moments, simply enjoying the silence.

"Did you call me a common thief?" Robin asked suddenly, causing Regina to giggle. "I'm not just any common thief, dear. I'm-"

"Robin of Locksley, I know." She finished for him, "guilty of stealing my heart."


Robin was right, it was a nice day. Though it was still early in the year, the sun was out, and the wind blew a gentle, cool breeze. Regina wore a light blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of black yoga pants- she couldn't bring herself to wear anything else. Sweatpants were her new favorite thing; they were the only article of clothing that didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

The park was completely empty, except for Will and two boys that were running around the perimeter of the swing set. When they saw their parents, they both smiled and took off towards them.

"How was your girl party?" Henry asked, just about out of breath as he came towards them.

Regina smiled. "It was fun. Emma gave me some DVDs that she claimed would make the baby smarter."

"I was wondering why she bought those," Henry replied, seeming relieved. Roland darted right into his father's arms, the knitted hat on his head lopsided due to his running frenzy.

"Glad you finally showed up," Will told the both of them, "I'm exhausted. These kids really tire me out; I don't know how you do it every day."

Regina gave him a pointed look. "I think a little exercise is good for you."

"Well I think you could use some exercise too," he shot back, earning a scowl from his sister.

"Hey, be nice." Robin interjected, "thank you for watching them Will. Ruby sure appreciates it."

Rolling his eyes, Will gave him a playful smack on the shoulder. "Well now that you're here, I can finally get back home."

With that, he was off towards his car, leaning Regina and Robin alone in the middle of the playground with their kids.

"Can you push me on the swing Daddy?" Roland asked in his innocent little voice.

Roland tightened his arms around his neck as his Dad nodded. "Sure buddy. Did you have fun with Will?"

"Yes!" He answered quickly, "we got to play with Charlie."

"That sounds very fun," Robin told him, setting him down gently on one of the swings. Henry claimed the one next to his brother and began to swing.

"You don't have to push me if you don't want to Mom." Henry said with a slight smile.

"I think I'm going to go sit down, my back is killing me." Regina said, giving her fiancé a sideways glance.

"Why don't you sit right here then," Robin told her, taking a break from pushing Roland to gesture towards the empty swing on the other side of him. Regina seemed a tad uncertain, but there was no way she could say no to him. It proved to be a challenge to fit her hips into the swing, but it did take a load off her back when she did so. Right after, she felt his hands on her sides as he pulled her back gently.

"No Robin don't-"

Before she could finish, he let go, and sent her gliding across the cool afternoon air. He then went back and forth between her and Roland, going back and forth, pushing them both.

"Did you know that I never learned how to swing?" She asked, having never actually tried before.

"That is so sad," Robin replied, honestly not believing what he had heard. "Even Roland's learning, aren't you?" He asked, an excited "yes!" coming from his five year old quickly.

"I missed the boat on that one I guess," she said, "but at least I have a fiancé who will gladly push me."

Robin smiled. "Right you are. But seriously, if our five year old can do it, I'm pretty sure you can. It's all about how you move your legs and push yourself forward- once you got that, gravity does the rest. You just enjoy the ride."

Regina did begin to take delight in the activity as she go higher; it was nice to feel carefree, light as a feather, with no worries weighing her down. She felt like she could reach out and touch the sun if she desired to. The thought of Robin teaching their daughter how to swing only made her happier- she was going to have such a nice life. That was the one thing she wanted more than anything to give to her. And thanks to Robin, it was now possible.

The sound of Roland's shrieking filled the chilly air; Regina found herself laughing too. She watched Henry from a side view as he got so incredibly high he seemed to soar above her, Roland calling his name excitedly, telling him to jump over and over again. When he did, Regina had to admit that her breath caught in her throat as she saw him fall down the sodden mulch that lined the park grounds. To her relief, her son landed right on his feet, and looked back at Robin with a triumphant gleam to his eyes as Roland grinned and gazed back towards him with a starstruck awe.

Let them all judge her; let them all give her looks. She had the best family in all the land, and that was all that mattered.

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