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"So Alicia as women's champion two nights after Mania you've dealt with currently certain superstars either challenging you or demanding you give up that title reference to saying you don't deserve it how do you feel about this?"

"Oh we're getting all deep in Wizard World I see." She laughed "Well actually...I'm kinda use to it,when I first got into this business my call up you all saw a certain set of Twins some what's throw me off a bit but after a few in and outs I started to realize I was meant for this,I actually lost someone special who's the reason Who was behind my motivation...but now that I've gotten to where I wanna be I'm not letting anything throw me off track,I'm here for a reason and I'm here to represent for any little girl out there wanting to have this dream,I don't just do this for me,I do it for my loved one,which is every last one of you."

"Alicia first off congrats on becoming champion,second-

"Hey hey,you only get one question...man...I'm just kidding go ahead." Both Alicia & the guy asking the questions laughed again.

"My second question is how do you feel knowing your brother Dean Ambrose & your boyfriend Roman Reigns will be going against each other in a few weeks?"

"Well...obviously it's gonna be kinda hard to watch even though they do have one other guy in the match but I know they've both had their issues with him & wanna take him out which is perfectly fine with me,as for who I'll be rooting for,little secret between us in this room, Deans been a pain in the butt for the longest,I'm sticking with Ro...& you mean husband?" She said with a smirk

"Awe there she is,hey there sweetie." Alicia said as a girl she's recognized from Twitter that always tweeted her and finally meeting at the photo op. "This girl is so precious she's like at every one of the events when we come down here & alms of every where in my Twitter feed I love it."

"First I wanna say I love you and thank you for being such an idol."

"Awe,no thank you Hun,it's people like you that keep me going,I love ya."

"Do you have any advice for any aspiring women's wrestlers?"

"Short & simple since times winding down...one don't give up and number two,listen to your heart & take any risk,every moment counts."

"And we have one more question,sir in the blue?"

"First off,I wanna say you don't deserve to have that title what Rollins said on Monday was right you slept your way into this spot half the locker room knows your EVERY move you want little girls to look up to you...a sorry slut,little girl who just came up do you know she aborted a ba-

"Can we please get security and the mix turned off." One of the worked requested.



Alicia sat there completely silenced biting her lip glad the event was done and over with.

"Thank you Mrs Alicia Love for coming out and answering these questions all of us @ wizard world would send thanks along with the wondering loving fans,let's hear it for Alicia Love everyone."

She smiled a small smile waving as she grabbed up her belongings leaving the stage.

Roman & Alicia sat in their hotel room bed Alicia between Roman's legs leaning back on his shoulder ever since the incident at WW she was silent even during their lunch.

She sighed silently gazing up to the ceiling.

"What's going on that pretty little head?" Roman asked

"Roman..be honest with me...are you upset that Alana doesn't have her other sister...you know what happened before she was born?"

"I mean it still hurts but I'm not mad about it..what makes you bring it up?"

"Nothing...I was just wondering...do you...wanna try for...another baby?"

"Huh...wait babe what's bringing this all up."

"It's fine if you don't wa-

"I didn't say that...what's up?" He turned her around to where she was face to face with him. "What's going on babe?"

"I just...kinda got reminded at wizard world today...sure it's gonna be on social media pretty soon."

Roman reached over grabbing his phone going to his Twitter scrolling until sure enough he saw something that said Alicia Love & fan Incounter wizard world, once the video stopped he took a deep breathe tossing his phone to the side then lifting her chin to where she was directly looking at him.

"First off,that guys a complete jealous ass hole who's most likely sits there getting off to Seth's leaked pics...second,like I said it still hurts but there was nothing we could do about it baby girl...I love you no matter what okay...and lastly..

He leaned forward and kissed her roughly but passionately smirking as he heard a slight moan as he moved to her neck.

"Yes." He murmured right in her ear, he pulled back taking his shirt off before Hoisting hers above her head soon both their pants being gone and tossed aside

"Still too much clothes." He said & he instantly unclasped her bra, His hands found their way to her breasts, cupping and kneading his thumbs grazed over her nipples, earning more moans from her gently tugging at her panties

Roman automatically towerd over her once again.
"I love you."

He positioned himself at her entrance and slid into her with ease her hands roaming over his skin as she wrapped her legs around him

She began to moan his name as he slammed into her,her hands traveling around his back

"Fuc* Roman..."
She cried out repeatedly, he drove his hips into her harder bringing heavier moans and cries .

"Yes...yes,right there!"

Her nails scraped over his back as he continued faster Alicia inching closer to her climax

"Baby...I'm close..." he moaned, but Alicia was already reaching before him.

"ROMAN!" She cried out as she came while he released himself. He slowly pulled out breathing hard still pulling Alicia onto his chest wrapping his arms around her.

"Fuc* I love you baby girl...I always will."

"I...I love you too Ro."

He gently kissed her one last time before both of them slowly began to doze off together.

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