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"See, you were nervous for nothing they loved you...maybe my brother a little too much.."

"Awe is someone jealous?" She said nudging his arm.

"Maybe...but Ali...can I...ask you something I know it's out of random but just a curiosity & if you don't feel comfortable answering you can tell me."

"Go ahead, I mean as long as you can keep your eyes on the road and talk."

"Alright...I was wondering...exactly...what or where are we...me and you, I understand the different shows major schedule, the small times we get to see each other..."

Alicia purposely remained silent wanting to wait until they pulled in to the arena since what she was gonna do would result in him taking his eyes off the road.

"I don't wanna seem like I'm rushing you into answering or pressuring you but I really wanted to know.."

"You mean as in...relationship wise?"

"Yea...like I was saying take your time answering but I kinda really wanna know...if you don't mind."

They had just pulled into the arena parking lot Jason hopping out helping Alicia with her bags walking her to the entrance. "Please take your time Ali, When you're ready to a- he was cut off as Alicia stood on her tipi toes wrapping her arms around his neck bringing her down to his height kissing him.

"What the hell!" She was suddenly shoved from Jason tripping on her own two feet, Jason being shoved against the wall...Roman.

"What the hell are you doing near her!"


"Alicia you don't know what you're talking about this kids a joke."

"Yea you see him as one because he's the full mature one compared to your half grown idiotic childish self!"

He let go of Jason walking over to her grabbing her arm pulling her close to him. "You must not realize you're about to lose our K-

"And you suddenly care because the little bit of sanity I have left I have the guy that can actually help me before I completely lose it compared to you who's a full hypercritit who doesn't give a damn about anything besides getting a pair of legs opened!"

"Must explain why you came to me all these times."

Alicia dropped her bags stepping closer to Roman and slapped him. "Get the hell away from me and stay away from me for good!"

As soon as he was out of her distance she helped Jason get to his feet.

"Are you okay?" They both awkwardly said together.

"I'm good, nothing I can't handle just cushy off guard, he didn't hurt you did he?"

"No...I'm so sorry this happened I-

"Hey, it's okay, I'm good...glad nothing happened to that beautiful face of yours and I can still do this." He did the same Alicia had done except having his arms around her waist lifting her her legs automatically wrapping around his waist.

"HEY! Save that for the room JJ and stop sucking the life outta my girl." She dropped down turning to see Marti and Paige leaning on the wall smirking.

"I'll see you tonight after the show."

"Okay, be safe, don't let Paige influence you...I'm not too sure about Puffy hair either."

"Yea because we're not here!"

"You were supposed to hear, glad I succeeded! I love you."

"I love you too."she went to give him another kiss when Marti grabbed her arm lifting her over her shoulder.

"Okay bye now Jason!" She said walking away with Paige.

"Terrible influences!"

"Good to know buddy! She'll see you later!"

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now