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Alicia was still asleep cuddled up to Jason enjoying his company/warmith. She felt his breath trickle down her neck as he placed a small kiss down her neck scooting over closer.

"You know you're cute when you sleep?"

"I don't know I don't try to watch myself when I'm asleep." She said giggling.

"Good because this beaut is only for me to enjoy, how long are you staying down here?"

"Til Saturday...I mean that is unless a certain amazing geek and adorable little girl want me to stay a bit longer."

"Would I be that amazing geek?"

"Well duh, pretty sure you're not a girl...I don't wanna leave, can't you miss the show tonight you've been working your a** off since well your PC training days and now you've worked so much that you're taking time to go back then even help other rising, I feel like Hunter's looking over your talent don't get me wrong you and Gable are the team that deserves the titles next but before you guys became a stable, JJ was lit big time...just kinda glad you got rid of that Afro."

"I couldn't agree baby girl...so have you been told when you're gonna be able to at least get in the ring and at least train?"

"Well I've got a meeting with doc next week so hopefully I'll get some type of good news.."

"I know you loved being in that ring but don't stress too much that'll put only more pressure and stress on you and when you are able to get ready, I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way, even if you wanna work on some moves or anything to get you back on track."

"Thanks JJ...but I can't really that easy get my mind off having to be away from that ring for so long, it's gonna be Hard watching events on tv knowing I can't be there."

"It's gonna be okay baby girl, you'll be back in no time...and as of now, it's my job, to make sure you're, rested, happy...and relaxed." After each word he left a kiss mark on her neck.

"You're beautiful."

"Jason." She squealed hiding her head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm serious." He stopped and sat up his back against the headboard sighing.

"Did I do something?"

"Ali...I just want you, not sexually...I mean heartally, I told you but I don't think you believe me ever since NXT when we first met, you moving up so fast it sucked not having you around, and now that we've gotten time together the past...weeks...months I don't know but it doesn't feel right w-

He was cut off as she wrapped her arms around his neck leaning in pressing her lips against his, Jason soon finding himself deepening the kiss his arms around her waist .

She pulled back resting her forehead against his. "I'm already yours J."

"God I was looking forward to the day I could hear that."

"Well today's your lucky day...and did you really make up heartally...you're so weird."

"As long as you're fine with it, I'm fine with my weirdness."

"Guess I'll be needing to work on that soon... I'll think on it...I'm gonna go shower.."

"Yea, guess I better be getting ready myself...we've got another signing before the show."

"So you're just gonna leave me." She said pouting folding her arms.

"Really cute." He pecked her lips one last time. "I don't wanna keep you from your daughter, I can drop you off again."

"Jason, how are you really dealing with this situation, me and you together but knowing I'm at my ex's house ONLY for the kids...driving me back and forth."

"Because I understand the situation baby girl, you're doing the best you can to maintain your relationship with your kids, that's another reason I like you, you're so passionate and focused on things, things have to be done."

"Thank you JJ."

Alicia had walked into the house to complete silence, she thought Roman had taken off somewhere until she heard a voice upstairs, as she reached closer up she began to hear another voice, she peaked around the corner seeing a lady with long black hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue and black blouse, dress pants and a suit case next to her.

"Did he really get a lawyer,for what.?" She said to herself.

She backed up and walked up the stairs as if she wasn't there passing by the room to get to hers when Roman saw her.

"Ali...can you come here for a sec."

"Oh...sure." She noticed him glaring at her shirt but didn't care.

"Hello, my names Jasmine, I work with Fl stages couple theropy, Roman called me up about a few weeks ago and today I was able to come up, you're Alicia?"

"Are you fuc*ing kidding me, did he really call a therapist, counselor whatever! Pathetic hard headed a** hole what part of no does he not get.." She said to herself.

"Yes, Alicia Love, nice to meet you." From the corner of her eye she saw Roman still looking at her his eyes a light red but looking calm...sorta.

"So is it fine if we start since you're here or would you like to set another appointment, he said you'd be out for a bit, busy."

"Oh no, just let me check on My...I mean our baby, excuse me." As soon as she stepped out she took in a deep breathe feeling her body begin to shake from irritation. "This is gonna be her shortest session of her life, hope she wasn't planning on getting a life story..."

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