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"HA once again I win you lose, the Aslyum falls to the scream queen once again, looks like you owe me two funnel cakes now!"

"Yea yea, figured, alright what if we do 2 on 2 winner picks the next thing we do."

"Fine sore loser....you still owe me."

"Is there a Flair in here tonight because woo! The girls are taken over, like you said winners pick next event, Ali I love ya but I'm dying for the Ferris wheel."

"I'm fine with that." They were all walking past the other rides when Alicia heard.

"But I wanna ride the merry go round!"

"I know you do honey but I can't get in and your sister had wondered off."

"Hey guys I'll be right back...excuse me ma'am, did your daughter need someone to ride with, I won't mind, my names Alicia, I've got two daughters a-

"OH MY GOSH!!!!! You're Alicia Love! I love you!!! Mom that's the diva I tell you about!!!" (The little girl is 11)

"My goodness, my daughter and my other children completely love you it's almost every day this little one is showing me videos of you."

"That's an honor, what's your name sweetie?"

"Anne, my sisters name is Hannah and we wanna be like you and your friend when we get older."

"You know I love meeting people like you, I'm gonna tell you a secret... You don't wanna be like me...you wanna be better which I know you will, staying focused and having that bright smile you have in now, you're gonna make it sweetie."

After the merry go round and taking pictures they headed to the Ferris wheel line, the next seat came around, Ali and Roman getting on first thinking Dean & Paige were behind them but they had stepped behind telling the guy they were only doing two of them in a seat.

The whole way up completely awkward silence they ended up at the top, Alicia glanced up to Roman with a small smile

"You look nice tonight..what you did back there, I see why people look up to you so much."

"Oh yea...it was nothing." She glanced down feeling her hand brush against Roman's hand.

"S...sorry." She started to move her hand when Roman trailed his hand up to her chin tilting her head up to where she was facing him, just like at the hospital deep eye contact, Roman slowly leaning in Alicia not sure what to do then they're lips connected...

"Awe! Weirdos!! Cute but gross!"

"Shut it Ambrose, get it Ali! Going on the gram!"

Alicia slowly pulled back covering her face in embarrassment as blush took over once again

Sierra here! E was really feeling on ending this but between us both I decided I'd take over and try to get this book somewhere & see if with a few more updates she'll get motivated back into the book but until then...you've guys gotta deal with me (it's a good thing I think lol but yea hope you guys enjoyed! Tonight's Raw was pretty sick! Catch ya on the flip side!!!! 🤘👻

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